Categories: CrossFit

Do What You Love

Rowers for days…
Wednesday (120215) – 3 days in the bank and
the thoughts of a rest day are doing cartwheels in my brain. The goal is to hit
5 days this week and since I don’t normally do this many consecutive days, I
still have time. Well had time. As soon as I saw the WOD, I knew it was going
to have to happen. Rowing. Lots of Rowing. I’ve been trying to find time to get
on the Concept 2 and today was going to be the day. Short of Deadlifts, the Row
makes me happy.
2 Rounds
10 Pulls (all arms)
5 Shoulder Press (@45lbs)
10 Pulls (all legs)
5 Front Squats (@45lbs)
10 Pulls (full)
5 Thrusters (@45lbs)

Now as with anything in life, you don’t get to go right to dessert, you have to
eat the meat and potatoes (and all your veggies) first. Even when the veggies
are gross Thrusters.
Every 90s for 10 minutes
2 Hang Squat Clean and 2 Jerks (worked up
to 155lbs)
4 Rounds (1 minute ON, 1 minute OFF)
Thrusters (@65)
The Row
150m Row (Damper 10)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 9)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 8)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 7)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 6)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 5)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 4)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 3)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 2)
30s Rest
150m Row (Damper 1)
The Squat Cleans were pretty good, but I
had my math wrong (I thought I had time for 1 more weight increase). The
Thrusters were another story. I tried to work at RX weight (@75lbs), but after
the first one, no dice. You have to know when to hold ‘em, when to fold ‘em and
when to scale down. All of this was just the warm-up for the Row. You look at
the damper challenge and think the hardest part would be the first few rounds,
but actually it’s the lowest setting that are the hardest. Still, I got through
it in 9m18s (averaging less then 30s per round).
I’m pretty certain that the next couple of
days will be rest days to try and recharge, see you on the weekend…


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