Categories: CrossFit

Coming Full Circle

@CapPro00, @Keilshammer and I after going ‘Full Circle’
Monday (November 16) – Coming full circle?
What cryptic message is this? Well one of the main things about CrossFit is
measuring. Keep track of how much weight. Keep track of how long it takes. Be
able to measure and compare. Measurability is one of the ways you can find out
how you have progressed. So with that in mind @CadPro00, @Keilshammer and I
revisited our first ever WOD @CrossFitCanuck. It was something that absolutely
shredded us (Tav thought @CadPro00 might not survive it and I was right there
with him) and now that 3 years (and many WODs) have passed, how would we do…
First Things First…
2 Rounds
5 Double Push-up Burpees
Walking Lunges
Beat Swings
150m Row
Now we are still working through the Texas
cycle, but sadly I have missed most of it. I don’t expect my numbers to improve
dramatically, but I do at the very least hope to maintain where I’m at. The
numbers will come as I get to the box more regularly, but until then, I have to
do what I can to keep going.
Every 90s for 12 minutes Alternating
Back Squat 4@250bs
3-6 Strict Ring Dips (Purple)
CrossFit Liftoff
12 minute AMRAP
3 Snatch @115lbs
6 Clean and Jerk
9 Pull-ups
54 DUs
THIS TOOK FOREVER. I’ve been trying to
complete WODs that have DUs with DUs instead of singles and I was gassed when
this was done. I managed to get 1 round and 4 DUs completed when the 12 minutes
ran out.  Single-Single-Double as a
skipping pattern was tough on the body, but because I STILL can’t link doubles
that’s all I have.
We rested about 15 minutes, got set up and
hit the Original WOD. The first time we did it, we got to the Burpees (we did
not complete any) in 14m27s when Tav stopped us because of time. We did it with
a 25lb Kettlebell and a 14lb Wallball originally, but Tav wanted us to do it at
today’s weights…
“Great Balls of Fire” Gone Bad
25 Box Jump (@20”)
25 Med Ball Squats (@20lbs)
25 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
20 Ball Slams (@20lbs)
20 Med Ball Sit-ups (@20lbs)
250m Row
25 Med Ball OH Lunges (@20lbs)
25 Med Ball Burpees (@20lbs)
Before I give you the final time to
complete the entire WOD (and yes, we all finished before the 14m27s CAP), I
want to give you the time it took to get to the Burpees.  That’s a straight time comparison. I finished
the last Lunge at just over 8 minutes which is a 6 MINUTE improvement since the
first time. 6 minutes. 360 seconds faster working with almost double the
weight. I completed the entire WOD in 12m02s and for the record, Med Ball
Burpees blow…
Some things don’t change…
There wasn’t a BWOD afterwards, but I just
basked in the glow of that 6 minutes.


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