6am Class with our victory SALAD!!
Wednesday (June 18) – It’s amazing what people will do to get some spinach. Wait, what? That’s right, the original Mamma Bear (@katieandrian) put the offer on the Facebook last night. With her green thumbs she had a plethora of spinach and lettuce and offered bags up to the 6am class. Heck yeah I’m in. Well that was good in theory because when the alarm went off, I felt every single one of those Back Squats from yesterday. Individually and collectively (does that even make sense?). I was stiff and my body was gently reminding me that I haven’t been a regular CrossFitter recently. Still, there was spinach. Whatever gets you moving in the morning.
4 minute AMRAP
150m Row
Run to the Rig
10 Squats
5 Beat Swings
Run to the Wall
The board was CRAZY packed this morning for Serge’s birthday WOD and this was the last morning class that Coach Baz (@SarahBassels) will be coaching for a while (see photo above). A 40 minute running clock? It’s a good thing I didn’t see that part before I got in the car. There wasn’t a whole lot to complain about because it was broken up into smaller (more manageable) chunks with programmed rest in between (SWEET!). Oh, did I mention it was a partner WOD? No, well it was and I got to work with Japteg.
It Takes 2 (40 minute running clock)
1 Partner at a time
7 minute AMRAP Shoulder to Overhead
29 @ 135lbs
29 @ 155lbs
ME @ 175lbs (These Reps Are For Score)
3 minute Rest
7 minute AMRAP Power Clean
29 @ 135lbs
29 @ 155lbs
ME @ 175lbs (These Reps Are For Score)
3 minute Rest
7 minute AMRAP Sled Drag & Tag
30m Sled Drag @ 90lbs
200m Sprint
3 minute Rest
7 minutes for Reps
29 HSPU/Handstand Hold
29 Ring Dips/Knees to Chest
29 Burpee Pull-ups/Plank Hold
29 Lateral Burpee over Partner
50 Abmat Sit-ups with 10lb Wallball
Japteg and I really went all out with this one and got 7 Shoulder to Overhead, 22 Power Cleans (oh they felt good), 5 Sled Drags and we got to 6 Burpee over Partner. It was a tough one and there wasn’t much in the tank at the end. It felt great to be able to make it through a tough one like this, especially since the Power Cleans were AWESOME. I couldn’t find a partner for the 100 partner Abmat Sit-ups, so I through down 50 on my own. Have I mentioned I miss the GHD. Tav, send me after the dude, I will get them.
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Back Stretch
Samson Stretch
Shoulder Mobility
Lat Stretch
Diet has been on point this week (so far) and after a talk with Tav about my programming, we have a strategy. July is going to be an all-out throw down. I will be able to WOD in the evenings (I’m coaching Monday mornings) and I’m going to add some CrossFit Lite sessions to increase my cardio. It should be interesting. Anyone else interested in shredding in July? Think about it, all the cool kids are doing it.
A manual labor weekend awaits with some cool peeps. It would have been nice to get on the bike, but it doesn’t look to be in the cards. Oh, did I say that my knee is slowly starting to feel better? Running may be reintroduced shortly, but we’ll see how it goes the next couple of weeks.
Have a good one!