So a very happy early birthday to Coach D (@DefconRX)! As a
result of the Open Announcement we got to partake in his Birthday WOD tonight.
As I’ve said many times, birthday WODs are going to be the end of me. You know
when you complain about something, but deep down you love it. Well birthday
WODs are one of those things. Ugly to look at, painful to do and absolutely a
whole bushel full of FUN (Tavia style) they push you out of your comfort zone
and step up the intensity. The only problem with that is that my shoulders are
KFC Extra Tasty Crispy from the combo of Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Saturday) and
the Heavy Hang Power Cleans (Monday).
500m Row
5 Burpees
5 Inch Worms
5 Burpees
10 Push-ups
5 Burpees
15 Squats
Now I wasn’t feeling any kind of love for overhead work
tonight. The PVC dislocates hurt,
putting the bar on my back hurt and even thinking about my shoulders hurt. We
started with a 20 minute running clock to hit 3-3-3-3-3 reps of Split Jerks. We
were working up to a heavy weight and taking lots of rest in between attempts.
I started @95lbs and then hit 105lbs and 115lbs. None of these weights should have been
challenging, but I wasn’t feeling good on any of the lifts. The shoulders were
tight and complained on each one. It wasn’t until I hit 135lbs on the next
round that I actually started feeling good and started landing some solid
lifts. I finished the series at 155lbs. I think another session with Dr. Ian
and CoreStrength might be in order.
WOD (12 minute AMRAP)
Power Clean (@135lbs)
Hang Squat Clean (@135lbs)
5 Burpee (Jump) Over Bar
Squat Clean (@135lbs)
Front Squat (@135lbs)
5 Burpee (Jump) Over Bar
Rest 5 minutes
Conditioning (10 minute CAP)
21 – 15 – 9 reps of
Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
Burpees. Ugh. Tavia was clear about how she wanted them
done, no stepping. Jump! I was already cooked about 1 round in (no idea why),
but I kept slogging away. I managed to finish 6 full rounds plus 1 Power Clean.
For some stupid reason I’m still rolling my wrists on the pull and I have no
idea why. I wonder why I started doing this or if I’ve been doing it for a
while. Anyway, still need to focus on fixing that and work on fists pointed
down, elbows high. We rested, got the equipment for the next component and got
to it. I went RX and managed to finish 9 Pull-ups in the round of 15. I had no
trouble with the Kettlebell or the Squats, but the Pull-ups took forever.
5 minutes of DUs
3×10 Squats (Plates)
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
Hip Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Glute Stretch
I broke out my new toy (GoPro Hero3+) and taped my DUs. Hopefully I will be able to see some queue
that will help me get it together. I even gave Riley’s new Rope a shot and
managed another wound. DUs are seriously taking it out of me. The only way to
get better though is to take the pain.
Let’s hope that the next Open WOD doesn’t require my
shoulders or DUs.