Categories: ExerciseLife



Well that was a big hurdle. Brace yourself for not one, not two, but THREE live video segments in this post from yours truly. Now I don’t normally vlog (video log for you non-internet peeps), but it seemed easier to get my thoughts down. We’re now inside of a month till Chicago and the Go/No-Go decision is approaching quickly (more on that in a second).


Sunday was on the slate as the first long run since the infamous back explosion of 2017. I will tell you I was a lot nervous. I did follow the Wizard’s instructions though and even gave the body an extra 48hrs before heading out. Maybe I could have warmed up a skosh more, but all in all I was just excited to get out there (and I can’t actually think of the last time I said that about running).




Mid run everything seemed ok. I was headed downhill and taking it easy (pace wise) so when I got to the uphill at 8km and I started to tighten up, I decided to pull the chute and shut it down. With plans to go back to back, this seemed like a prudent course of action. I used Siri to call for a ride and somehow she thought it would be fun to call my sister-in-law @callahall who is a few provinces over. Once I figured out who I was talking to (we had a bad connection) I wished her a good morning and got @savannahjessie to come collect me.



Felt good for the remainder on the day, just a little stiff. One Advil took care of most of the ache.




On the back to back, I almost didn’t make it out of the house. The day kept moving and even though I’m on vacation there are projects on the go. By the time I finally got the drive to go, it was almost 5pm. The goal for these last few training runs has been to try and keep it flat. Landscape-wise. No small task considering we live on the Hill. Still a little quick one (again with more warm-up needed) and I was done just over 6KM in 45m21s. Not blazing, but negative splits.



First, how is the September Challenge going? I’ve been slow to get this one started, but I got on the board today. What challenge? Oh, you need a recap. 1,000 weighted Air Squats and 1,000 Dumbbell Push Press. Put these together and what you have is 1,000 deconstructed Thrusters to complete in September. A little spicy perhaps, but the real gains happen outside of our comfort zones.



Today I wasn’t feeling awesome so the 2hr Assualt Bike went out the window after 15m. To paint a picture for you, I was dropping @savannahjessie off at the airport and we hit a bump and I thought I was dying (Lady, didn’t want to worry you before your flight). My hips still don’t feel 100% so I have another appointment scheduled with Ian. All in all, I did feel better after going through my activation exercises. Got some work in with @sarahbassels (just like old times) and headed back to complete my projects.



So here is a question for all my people. I need your help. I’m compiling a playlist for The 2017 Chicago Marathon and need all the help I can get to put together a 7 hour playlist. Send me your Power Songs. Your Go To Songs. Your Workout Songs. Anything and everything will help. Leave a quick comment!




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