Headed Home
Tuesday (Aug 4) – Rule #1, don’t go on
vacation. Sound extreme? Yes, but it’s not the vacation, but the coming back
from the vacation that is the hard part. Toosdays. Twosdays. Tuesdays. Right,
Tuesday isn’t one of my normally scheduled classes @CrossFitCanuck, but after
all the time ‘off’ it’s time to get back to work. Well no time like the
present, besides it’s a Deadlift day, so everything has to be alright, right? We
got lucky on the flight back, it wasn’t sold out and we had the whole row
between the two of us. Nice quick flight into Toronto with a beautiful view of
the city as we were landing.
City Views
500m Row
15 Squats
250m Row
10 Push-ups
100m Row
10 Burpees
Oh oh. After a quick Row and a little bit
of work, I was puffing hard. Not a good sign with a jam-packed day ahead of me.
Thankfully there is no Lite class tonight, but I think this one will be a
struggle just to get through the warm-up. We had Deadlifts an Deficit HSPU
(Box) first and then a serious burner followed by the Row and OHS.
@zlreyes seems pretty happy about this WOD
EMOM for 10 minutes
3 Deadlifts (@305lbs)
3 Deficit HSPU (2x 45lb Plates)
Double Down
1000m Row
30 OHS (@75lbs)
30 Pull-ups
500m Row
15 OHS
15 Pull-ups
Those Deads were heavy and by the time we
finished the 10 minutes I had no shoulders left (at all). The worry was really
strong with OHS next and I stepped the weight down from @95lbs to @75lbs to
make sure that I wouldn’t spend 20 minutes failing and would be able to get the
work done. The Row seemed to be my rest, but as we got to round 2 I was having
less and less power with the Pull-ups. All I can do is keep working towards
building strength and cutting weight. I managed to finally get done at 19m02s
(thanks to the #530Crew cheering me on).
We had sushi with @missade3 so there wasn’t
time for Cash-out and BWOD. Well, dinner and the fact that I was absolutely
burned out from the program today. Hopefully
I can get turned around and be ready for the double tomorrow.