Saturday (Apr 25) – Hello Saturday. It has been a while
since we met. Today is a little different, there will be some work, some long
lost Canucks and then some commentary. Strange combination? Certainly unusual
for me. I made it in to @CrossFitCanuck to attempt to WOD with Coach G
(@girmantitov), but scheduling and the closure of the DVP for spring
maintenance made sure that I was late. Sorry G, I tried. By the time I made it
in though, my body was tightening up and the desire to do anything was pretty
much gone. Still, I was here, I might as well get some mobility in.
That’s when I saw a stranger, wait I know that guy.
@paulperena was here, at the new box. Little Pauly who I haven’t seen in
forever. I was so excited I shook off the funk (for a minute) and was ready to
WOD with him, but sadly he was injured… Back to mobility… Good to see you bro!
500m Row
Snatch Prep *
100 Abmat Situps
Back Stretches
Lat Stretches (Band)
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Hip Stretches
*I thought I would do some Snatch work because it is my
weakest lift, but after some High Pulls and Power Snatches I had to stop.
Either I wasn’t warm enough or I had done too much this week, but my body was
having none of it.
I don’t normally share a bunch of things of Facebook (other
than this blog of course), but I came across a blog post called
The “After”Myth. This woman has written an incredible piece about something that no one trying
to reshape their lives usually thinks about. What happens after? After is
scary. Give her post a read and think if this relates to you, below is my take
as it applies to me.
The After.
What is this after? That is tough to say and even tougher to
write about (keep in mind I’m still working on sharing). Some important people
in my life have reminded me often that the weight is just a number, but for
most of my life that number has defined me. I’ve always been the biggest kid
and normally the biggest person in the room and that makes you visible whether
you want to be or not. You have to learn really quickly to hide or to be able
to redirect the attention. Deflect the attention away from you. How you do it
varies, but it can be personality, humor, intelligence or any number of other
things. You become a chameleon, able to change to suit the situation. Sometimes
even when you let people see you, they still aren’t seeing the real you.
You learn to live with life over 300 and once you accept it,
the hold it places on you is tight. A never ending circle that will ensure you
can never escape. Even if you do, what
then? What defines you then? You aren’t this magnet for attention, do you fade
into obscurity and blend into the background. Where is the personality that you
used to deflect with? What comes next? Where does it end? As Lisa so
beautifully puts it, there is no end, no pot of gold. The journey now becomes
one of discovery. Who would have thought a journey to lose weight would become
one to discover who I am? Certainly not I. Discovering confidence and passion
for life that were dulled or dormant. Treating obstacles like mountains,
climbing them and then looking for the next one. I don’t know where this
journey is going, but it will be interesting wherever it is…