Categories: CrossFit

I Do Like Routine

Wednesday (March 18) – Twice in a week? Two days
back-to-back? Such a thing hasn’t happened for a really long time (too long
really), but it’s nice to have a routine (even if it’s a tiny one). If you
haven’t figured it out by now, I like a schedule. When I first started
@CrossFitCanuck I was there every Mon, Wed and Thurs. Sue Ann asked why did I always
go on the same days at the same time. If it’s a habit (or schedule) then you
don’t have to think about it (or risk feeling like not going). You know where
you have to be and when you have to be there. Just do it. Where was I? Oh
right, the schedule has had a lot of flux the last 3 months, but thanks to
@SavannahJessie, I got to return to ‘schedule’ for a little while. I even got
to have my first warm-up led by Suzana!
Volleyball Rig Jumping
Punch Outs
Snow Angels
Cat Stretch
We had 8 minutes to find a heavy complex of 2 Push Jerks and
a Split Jerk and then we went to work, every 90s for 6 minutes. 1 complex and
8-12 Ring Dips. Now if you can remember back, I finally managed to hit unbanded
Ring Dips. It was a very exciting day. Sadly, there are some other things I forgot,
like when you come back after a layoff, don’t think that you can do everything.
I got to 135lbs on the complex and then went for a Ring Dip and tweaked my left
lat. It failed straight away as I was pushing to extend. Brutal. Let’s just
hope that it heals quickly.
WOD (15 minute Running Clock)
15 Clusters (@95lbs)
12 Box Jumps
9 Shoulder to Overhead (@95lbs)
6 Pull-ups
Clusters. You suck. You are like a Thruster, but meaner.
Always asking for that extra little tap. Gross. I had nothing today. With the
sore legs (still) and now the lat/shoulder/neck pain, I scaled down the weight
and did my best just to find a pace and stick to it. It was tough, but I managed
to finish 3 rounds + 2 Box jumps (I was shocked, because I was sure I wasn’t
going to finish 2 rounds).
Tonight is a big night in the coaching program too, because
after tonight’s class I will be more than half way through the final phase. It
has been a crazy learning experience and so much fun. There’s still lots of
work for me to do, but let’s keep those fingers crossed.


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