Categories: CrossFit

I’m Not Afraid Anymore

It wasn’t until I had a chat with @missade3,
@matt_5577 and @akari_batman about the mental aspects required to get to the
CrossFit Games that I realized I am afraid. Not of success or failure, but of
getting hurt. Let me be clearer, I was afraid of doing more damage to my
shoulder. Since last summer when it failed doing a shoulder press, there has
been pain and there has been fear. The MRI (last month) showed there was
nothing structural and that the pain and limited motion can be dealt with, with
the proviso that I work at them. Up until now it’s been a combination of the
mild frozen shoulder and my brain preventing me from moving forward.
The conversation combined with watching the
first day of the CrossFit Games has left an impression. As I watched the Men
and Women working on Heavy Overhead Squats, I realized that while form is
important, everyone makes the modifications they need to. With my limited Dorsi
Flextion (ankle mobility), I need to go a bit wider in the base. While I will
lose some power, I will be able to complete the movement.
100 Skips
20 Squats
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Push-ups
100 Skips
Continuing our trend of Squats
F-O-R-E-V-E-R, the Thursday night Crew (which was a boys club tonight) got
right to it. Front Squats today with sets of 10, 8, 8, 8 and 8+ every 2m30s. It
gets heavy and stayed heavy, but somehow I got my math wrong. Anyhow I ended up
with a final set of 12 reps at 160lbs. The Front Squats felt really good, but
what came next, not so much. We were doing a First Pull + 2 Hang Pulls at 110%
of our 1RM Clean.  What that means is I
should have been pulling 245lbs. Coach D took a couple of looks and had me
strip down to 225lbs. I didn’t have the form or power today, but I did get a
good tip about shoulder and hip position that will be useful going forward.
2007 (16 minute CAP)
1000m Row
5 Rounds of
25 Pull-ups
7 Push Jerks (@135lbs)
I love the Row. I started pulling hard and
got 200m in when I realized that my pacing was off. I changed the damper
setting a little lighter and locked down the pulls. 3m20s for 1000m. Yup, I
will take that time. If only my Pull-ups were that easy. I fought, but my body
was tired. All said, 2 full rounds + 13 Pull-ups.  More than halfway, but I think I could go
further. This is one that I will visit again.
3×1 minute Weighted Plank (@25lbs)
Thanks to @CadPro00 for the assist today
with the weight for the Plank, video on the BWOD and for the talk about
Handstands.  Speaking of Handstands, they
are something else I’ve been scared of (mostly because of my disastrous first
attempt. @CadPro00 thought I was going to end up in the hospital the way my
body folded) and we can’t have that. In the next couple of weeks, I’m going to
kick up to the wall at the very least.
1×10 OHS (@15lbs)
3×10 OHS (@45lbs)
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Tav Shoulder Stretch (2×2 minutes)
5 Squat Snatch (@45lbs)
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches


OHS? Squat Snatch? What the heck is going
on here Beez? Well, I said I’m not afraid anymore. If I am going to be able to
push the big weights, I have to be able to hit the movements. There were a
couple shaky reps, a bit of discomfort, but I felt really good. Even the Squat
Snatches didn’t suck.  The weights are
low, but everybody starts somewhere.
I’m heading West tomorrow (Calgary,
Edmonton and St. Walburg), but I will be shooting to stay on track. Hopefully a
visit to a box and a bit of running/gym.


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