My Partner JoJo
Coach D (@DefconRX) designed tonight’s WOD as a tribute to
DJ EZ Rock who recently passed away. It Takes Two (with Rob Base) was a staple
growing up and it sucks that slowly these pieces of my ‘childhood’ are being
taken away far to early. Tonight we would continue our Texas ‘deload’ and then
throw down a partner WOD heavy in the number 46 (EZ Rock’s age). Now on a
health side, my quads have not been feeling awesome since Monday (along with my
hip) so I just picked up some more Super EFA (fish oil) capsules to see if I
can clear this up.
500m Row
10 Push-ups
20 Split Jumps
10 Push-ups
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Squat Pause (3 seconds in the hole)
We had a new Warm-up ‘B’ and Coach Z (@zlreyes) made it
spicy. Squat maintenance. Get into the
hole and stay there, flexing the glutes every 10 seconds. Yowza. First off
tonight was Front Squats @150lbs, 3 reps every 90 seconds for 3 minutes. I’m
still trying to keep the heels planted, but it felt good (and tough). Nice and
quick. This was followed up with Deadlifts, 3 every 90 seconds @245lbs. All the
Canuck are working with new guidelines for the Deadlift, No Switch Grip. Now I
like the Switch, but I’m all for getting stronger.
‘Rhythm In Movement’ (Partner WOD 20 minute CAP)
46 Ground to Overhead (@135lbs)
46 Front Squats (@135lbs)
400m Runs (x2)
23 Pull-ups (each)
Now only 1 partner can work at a time and when you are ready
to switch, 2 Burpee over Bar and a hand slap. I got to work with JoJo tonight
and man, oh, man she brought it. We got through the G2O pretty quickly, but she
carried us on the Front Squats. We got out on the Run (1 partner at a time) and
it felt really fast tonight even though it was chilly and wet. We got back in
for the Pull-ups around 13m30s and we both worked hard at RX finishing the WOD
at 18m06s. Great work partner.
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
Hip Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
Trap Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Glute Stretch
Hamstring Stretches
Quad Stretch
Calf Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
Back Rollout
Welcome back to doing the BWODs properly. GHD once a week. I
was still stiff, but it felt good to get moving and work on mobility. Good work
all around #530Crew, that one was lots of FUN!