Categories: CrossFit

Advanced CrossFit Mathematics

My Standard Selfie Face
I used to be good at math. OK, well not university calculus,
but for the most part I was pretty good. Give me finite, algebra or stats and
I’m good. Tonight, putting weight on a barbell I was a smoking hot mess. It was
ugly. Thanks to Coach D (@DefconRX) for being patient and eagle-eyed. It’s not
often that my brain isn’t keeping up with what’s going on, but for some reason
with everything going on I just couldn’t get my S#it together. Well enough of
this, let’s get on with our show.
400m Run
5 Wallballs (@14lbs)
10 Beat Swings
5 Push-ups
10 Lunge Twists
5 Burpees
10 Jumping Jacks
The Thursday night secret @CrossFitCanuck just keeps going
and it was @CADPRO00 and I keeping Coach D company. Tonight’s strength was a
doozy. A 19m30s marathon involving two components. First the Shankle Complex of
1 Deadlift, 3 Hang Pulls, 1 Squat Clean and 2 Split Jerks. We alternated that
with 5 Pull-ups and 5 Toes to bar. After every round we added weight to the bar
and by the time we hit the last round I was pushing 165lbs. It looked easy on
paper (or on the monitor), but it was one of the tougher sessions I can
5 minute CAP
80 Wallballs (@20lbs)
5 minute CAP
60 Burpee over Box (24”)
5 minute CAP
40 Power Cleans (@145lbs)
5 minute CAP
1200m Run
With no rest between rounds and coming off that crazy
marathon, I was tired. Not a little tired, but running very low on energy. I
finished 72 Wallballs, 31 Burpees over Box and all the Power Cleans in 4m46s. I
thought I was working at RX which was 165lbs, but somehow I managed to mess up
the weight on the bar. Disappointing. When I headed out on the Run, I had a
stitch in my side and couldn’t do anything but walk for the first 100m. By the
time I got through that I had to run very carefully because I was right on the
edge of cramping up (left calf). I literally drove the car until the needle on
the fuel tank was below the ‘E’. I haven’t struggled that much closing out a
WOD in a long time, but I still managed to dig up a little energy for a hard
finish (not quite my normal all out sprint).
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
50 Heavy Russians (@50lbs)
It took a long time to get to the Cash-out tonight and I was
pretty proud of @CADPRO00 who got to it without needing a push. I struggled to
find the energy and actually contemplated bailing because I did GHD work last
night. NO wimping out tonight, doing it when you’re tired makes you better.
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Trap Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
Calf Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
Hip Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
That was all I could manage tonight. Even though there was a
slow recovery happening, it was tough to keep moving. I’m still going to try
and get out on a short run tomorrow morning, but I have some serious doubts as I
write this. With Saturday off from CrossFit (but going in to work) I hope I survive
this 10K.


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