Categories: CrossFit

Gravity Problems and Texas

Wall walks for days…
With Open season behind us, @CrossFitCanuck is embarking on
a 3-month strength program called Texas. Life is about to get REALLY heavy. Gravity also seams to have gone topsy turvy in the box, people are chilling out upside-down and I couldn’t get anything overhead in the WOD. Crazy.
Now in the post birthday WOD glow and sticking with the ‘Healthy April’ theme
yesterday was all about getting outside. @SavannahJessie and I took a nice
little 7KM walk to enjoy the sunshine. I hope you took advantage of the nice
day and got out.
400m Row
10 Inch Worms
10 Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Lunges
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Squats
Seriously, how can everything still be sore? This sucks. We
had a lot to get into tonight so we skipped Warm-up ‘B’ and started the Squats.
I got to work with Sean P tonight and since I removed my 1RM Back Squat from
the board last week (I don’t believe it was valid) I took a shot in the dark
and decided my 60% was 165lbs. A 10 minute EMOM of 5 Back Squats. Wait, What? 5
Back Squats every minute… Please insert swear words here _________. It was
heavy right out of the gate and it was tough all the way through, but the
#530Crew rocked it like CHAMPS! No rest for the wicked though. We had an 8
minute EMOM of Split Jerks right on its’ heels. 1×3 (@130lbs), 1×3 (@140lbs),
1×3 (@150lbs) and 5×3 (@155lbs). I hit the first of the last round at 160lbs,
but my wrist started aching some I went down 5lbs.
WOD (15 minute CAP)
20 Thrusters/Squat Cleans (@95lbs)
20 Pistols (20” Box)
1000m Row
20 Pistols
20 Deadlifts (@135lbs)
What a dumpster fire my body was for this one. I don’t know
what I’ve aggravated, but Dr. Spin is getting a visit tomorrow and hopefully he
can fix it. It the top of the Thruster I had pain from the inside of my elbow,
down through the triceps and into my lats (possibly even my serratus). Coach Z
(@zlreyes) modified me to Squat Cleans, but even they hurt at the top of the
movement. I did manage to get through the first 20. When I got to my last set
of what would have been Thrusters/Squat Cleans, my bar was in use so I went to
the next mod and completed Deadlifts. Total time 14m51s.
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
Back Stretch
Now I’m near fanatical about getting the Cash-outs done, but
tonight I couldn’t even contemplate it. All I can hope for is that May comes
quickly and that the MRI can tell me what the heck is going on. I’m pretty sure
Dr. Ian will also be getting another visit in the near future, because I am
getting pissed off with these setbacks.
Before I shut down (literally) for the evening, I just
wanted to send big congratulations to Riley who competed in the North American
Tree Climbing Championships in California. Job well done!


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