Categories: CrossFit

4 Pulls of Fury

4 Ropes and 4 Pulls
I’m still fighting the ‘good fight’, but I don’t know for
how much longer. I’ve been feeling the cold (or whatever this is) coming for
the last few days and it has now gotten to the point where if I raise my arms I
get a headache. That’s not normal right? As a result I was to the point of
cancelling @CrossFitCanuck tonight (you know it’s serious when). I had made a
commitment to Mouse to do some Rowing tonight, so I felt that I should be
there. Wasn’t going to be pretty though. There was a big feel good boost
tonight though as Momma Bear (@katieandrien) was in the #430Class tossing
weights and generally being awesome.
500m Row
30 Jumping Jacks
20 Knee Ups
10 Jump Squats
On tonight’s menu was another healthy dose of the Bulgarian
Cycle. 2×2 reps of Back Squat @205lbs and then 3×1 rep of Front Squat @205lbs.
My hips were not fans of this tonight. As I got into the hole, it felt like
they would be exploding out the sides of my body. I got them done though and I
was pretty happy with the form. Managed to keep my weight on my heels (for the
most part) and my chest up. It was tough getting my arms onto the bar, but
that’s life.
6 minute Running Clock
1000m Row
3 Rope Climbs (1/2 Climbs)
1 minute Rest
6 minute Running Clock
2 Rounds of
12 Ring Rows
12 Push-ups
12 Power Cleans (@115lbs)
1 minute Rest
6 minute Running Clock
3 Rounds of
5 HSPU (Box)
50 DUs
1 minute Rest
6 minute Running Clock
4 Rounds of
4 Wall Walks
16 Heavy Russians (@70lbs)
Did you get all that? Holy moly that was a WOD that never
ended. I got through the Row pretty quickly, but struggled (again) on the
friggin Rope. 3 climbs just over halfway. Irritating. Round 2 was much better
and I finished all the movements in 3m47s. The word for round 3 was F@CK!
Stupid DUs. I managed to get through 1 full round plus 17 DUs. By the time we
got to round 4, I was cooked and my shoulders had nothing left. 2 rounds plus 3
Wall Walks in 6 minutes.
Shoulder Stretches
Ankle Mobility (Band)
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
Hip Stretches
Glute Stretches
Back Rollout
Shoulder Mobility
5 Deep Squats (Rig)
5 Pull-ups
3 Beat Swings
I tried to focus today on the two joints that have been
giving my the most trouble, ankles and shoulders. My flexibility is AWFUL. I
still find it very interesting that I can manage to get a Pull-up with very
little discomfort, but as soon as there is a second plane added (i.e. Beat
Swing), then all hell breaks loose.
Interesting Experiment
1RM Row
3RM Row
We finished up today with an interesting little experiment,
courtesy of Mouse. Based on the 60 calorie Row in 2 minutes a couple weeks ago,
how much force is generated with 1 Pull and with 3 Pulls. The numbers were
really close based on distance and calories, but the Watts (measure of power)
were the difference is most skewed. The data shows that the first few Pulls are
just about the same for everyone (well at least Mouse and I) and that any major
differences come after that.


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