I’m almost in the picture…
OK. I finally, completely and utterly understand Paleo. Tuesday
marked a special day for me, Mom and Dad were visiting for lunch, I had the day
off and dinner plans with @c_snapper, @gosiakaz and JNats. It was a great day,
but sadly (but not at the time) it was soooooo not paleo. Wine (White and Red),
vodka, deep fried, cheese, bread, brisket (well at least something qualified as
paleo) and beer. A fantastic time hanging with Mom and Dad and great catching
up with the Oakham Crew, but something wasn’t right when I went to bed. That’s when
trouble started, I felt bloated. I woke up I was even more bloated. I was
sluggish, I felt gross and I generally felt like crap. Clean eating. I finally
and completely understand. Lesson learned.
There was a lot of trepidation today because it was birthday
WOD time again. Momma Bear has designed this one personally and it was a
surprise. Nothing posted online, only the knowledge that it was going to be an
absolute barn burner.
Warm-up ‘A’
400m Run
2 Rounds of
10 Inch Worms
15 Squats
I’m not even sure what the best way to describe this WOD to
you is, but I will give it a shot. First off, everything we were doing today
was outside (first full WOD for me done in nature). Second it was going to be
quick, activity, quick rest, activity, quick rest and final activity. Thanks to
Sean for pushing me in the second portion to do RX.
Part A (Every 90s for 6 minutes)
5 Heavy Cleans (@135lbs)
50m Farmer Carry (@135lbs Front Rack)
Rest 2 minutes
Part B (Every 90s for 6 minutes)
3 Deadlifts (@315lbs)
5 Clapping Push-ups
50m Sprint
Rest 2 minutes
Part C (5 Rounds of)
1 minute Barbell OH Hold (@95lbs)
30 second Plank
Holy merciful crap. That right there was a spicy WOD. Thanks to Momma Bear (and Joce) for
programming a really interesting and physically demanding WOD. It wasn’t until
that last round that it got stupid tough. You get the weight overhead and then
just have to hold it there, fighting the slight breeze pushing the plates
around forcing a million tiny corrections.
3×10 Tire Flips with Jumps In and Out
3 ME Pull-ups (Blue Band)
Here’s where Carling gets a big High-5! We worked together
to break up the Tire Flips into groups of 5 and get them done. They were tough,
especially after the heavy Deadlifts and my body was screaming at me. We kept
going, mostly because we would get to watch the rest of the evening’s classes
go through what we just had. Especially the 730p class that contained Momma
10x Deep Rig Squats
5 minutes DU Practice
5,000m Row (20m20s)
800m Run
I don’t know what got in to me tonight, but I certainly
wanted to quit before I was 2,000m into the row. I kept plugging away and while
I didn’t break 20 minutes, I was pretty happy with the time. Half Marathon training
has been tough and I haven’t been getting all the runs required in (life has
been getting in the way), but I have been @CrossFitCanuck and on the bike so
hopefully those things will translate. The goal will be to get some long runs
in before the end of next week.
CrossFit and a 3.5 mile run on deck for Thursday and Jillian
has some new secrets to help my Squat…
Word of the Day – Substantial