Categories: Exercise

Christmas in July

Garmin Fenix2… So Fancy


So did you survive the Long Weekend Birthday Celebrations? Well of course you did, you are here reading along. How much damage did you do to yourself? On a scale of 1 to Out Cold… How about getting out for some activity? Walking in the sunshine? Maybe checking out the giant Rubber Duck? There were lots of things you could get into. Me? Well I got into everything. I made bad life choices and partied like a Rock Star with a whole group of Rock Stars (You know who You are). Still somewhere deep down there was still a little chunk that made some decent choices (not always brilliant but decent).


So with the weekend in the rearview mirror let’s talk about The Challenge. We’re six days into July, how is it coming? 1500 KB Movements (with a limit of 300 reps of any individual movement). I’ve got some feed back that there are some arms and biceps that are a little tender with all the work being put in. AMAZING! Keep pushing those boundaries and get through the work. As for me, I’m still rocking a ZERO, but I expect that number to climb by leaps and bounds when I hit @CrossFitCanuck tomorrow night.


You hear about Christmas in July? Well Santa Claus made a delivery this week with my present from @SavannahJessie. Now I’ve been using a Garmin Forerunner 305 since I started working out (originally on the bike in 2009) and it was starting to get a little long in the tooth. There were points where it said I didn’t start moving until 30 minutes into a run/workout. That doesn’t help when you are using the data to try and plan your training schedule. So my brand new Garmin Fenix2 arrived and I’ve been on cloud 9 since. This opens up a whole bunch of new data and training options and today at lunch I took it for it’s first run. I proceeded to run my FASTEST 5KM EVER. I took almost a minute off my best time and finished 5.45Km in 35m57s with an average pace of 6m36s/KM. I am pleased as punch let me tell you. Let’s hope this trend continues for every run from here on in.



Why was it a lunch run today? Well I realized late that I had a massage booked for after work and I didn’t make it out first thing. What to do? Skip? No way. Let’s talk about motivation…


People will probably find this hilarious, but the main reason I dragged myself out for a run was to get a Nike+ Trophy (7 Day Streak). Do they drop t in the mail? Nope it’s just a pretty picture on my profile page. Still it’s one of the many motivational tools used by Nike, Fitbit, Garmin, Suunto and a bunch of others to get people excited about fitness. Combine that with Challenges you can setup on Nike and Garmin to Challenge your friends, and there are lots of things that can inspire you to get moving. I currently have a Garmin Challenge with @hoodieruns and @keilshammer to see who can cover the most distance. Competition is also a great motivator…



What kind of motivation do you use to help you get a workout in when you don’t feel like it? Drop a not in the comments to share the info with everyone.





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