Categories: CrossFit

Happy Long Weekend



Excited much? Just a bit. I got an extra long weekend thanks to some recently discovered unused vacation days and Friday I got to spend a little extra time @CrossFitCanuck to make up for my total schlep mode on Thursday. I mean I had intentions to get out and run, but a delayed start and temperatures north of 35 degrees with the humidity and I was home bound. That’s not to say I wasn’t productive, just not in an athletic sense.

So with some time to kill, the CrossFit Regionals on and @Eastbound_Power programming to complete there was only one place to go. It took about an hour to get my day two, week two homework done and then I had two birthday WODs to make up. A promise is a promise and this would be my only opportunity for the week. Here’s how the CrossFit Golf birthday WODs for @SarahBassels and @itsjuuules went down (now it was more like mini putt with the scaling, but it was still a bunch).

Front 9
20 Ring Dips (Purple)
39 Abmat Sit-ups
20 Shoulder Taps
50 KBS (@50lbs)
39 DB Push Press (@35lbs)
10 Pike Push-ups
39 Bent Row (@75lbs)
20 Hang Power Cleans (@95lbs)
1 Mod Bar MU

Back 9
40 Deadlifts (@185lbs from 2x45lb height)
50 DBall Shoulder Taps (2x45lb heaight)
400 Singles
30 DB Hang Power Snatch (@25lbs)
23 Burpees
23 Bench Press (@95lbs)
40 Plate Step-ups (4x45lb height)
30 Push-ups
23 Pull-ups

Overall I shot a -12 so not a bad day at the office (or on the course in this case). It made it easier to have folks there and to be able to stream the Regionals to distract me from all the suck. Thanks to @girmantitov who let me crash his class and training time.


When an IT Geek shows up at the box…

Now with the weekend here and the weather decent (except for Sunday which now looks like rain), it’s time to get outside and enjoy a bit of nature. We have birthday festivities for a little Raven and I am planning on getting out for two long runs (Saturday and Monday). The kicker will be Sunday. I was planning to get the Red Rocket out for her first ride of the year (and I still might), but riding in the rain really sucks. What are your plans? How will you be spending the Victoria Day long weekend? Will you be out completing a run? Maybe just a walk? I know most will be partaking in a beverage or seven and if that’s the case remember to stay safe out there and not to drink and drive.

Have a GREAT weekend,


ps – A get well shout out to my virtual marathon partner @JessyR1978 who has a strained calf and is on the shelf for a couple of weeks. I know you are just doing this to give me hope that I will be able to keep up with you, but get back out there soon!


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