Categories: CrossFit

Pushing on the Down Low

Where you at????
Tuesday (December 1) – It’s been an
interesting couple of days. As I slowly get the body back in the habit of
lifting and working hard, the old aches and pains fade a bit and all I can feel
is the ache of doing work. Now it’s not as heavy or as hard as I was doing at
my peak, but baby steps. It’s been a good week so far, lifting on Sunday and an
all out goer on Monday. Today it’s a visit to @SarahBassels 6am class for some
Hi-Lo sleds. What’s a Hi-Lo sled? Well the Lo portion of it is a movement that
was designed by the Devil himself to stress your hamstrings and your endurance.
Sorry Baz… I didn’t write it down
Lo Sled is a matter of changing your angle
and pushing from about 6” off the floor. It’s tough because your hips tend to
go up which means you are exerting force into the floor instead of straight
ahead. Who knew? The 6am class made it easy to keep going because of their
positive attitude, but it was tough. 50+ OHS plus those Sled Pushes made for
one of the toughest strength components in a while.
20 minutes to complete
10 OHS (@55lbs)
Hi Sled Push (@90lbs)
Lo Sled Push (@90lbs)
Hi Sled Push (@90lbs)
7 OHS (@75lbs)
Lo Sled Push (@90lbs)
Hi Sled Push (@90lbs)
Lo Sled Push (@90lbs)
4 OHS (@95lbs)
Hi Sled Push (@90lbs)
Lo Sled Push (@90lbs)
2 OHS (@105lbs)
Hi Sled Push (@90lbs)
Lo Sled Push (@90lbs)
3 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (@95lbs)
10 Front Squats
5 Jerks
20 Ring Rows
So I finished with 24 seconds to spare, but
there was a modification for the Pull-ups because my shoulder/bicep was worn
out from yesterday. Still, it felt pretty good and I was happy with the result.
On a life note, what is your (as in you
reading this) for keeping the body in tip top shape? With the nicks, I’ve been
focusing on food intake and making sure I’m getting at the very least Recovery
into my body after a workout. I do stretch, but sadly not nearly enough. Do you
have a ‘secret’ or go to that keeps you moving? Please share it in the comments
if you have a second.


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