Categories: CrossFit

Getting Mobile

The Supernova of Pain
Monday (December 7) – Does anybody remember
the other part of getting healthy? Not the eating or the activity (lifting,
cycling, running or whatever else you do), but the component that is often
forgotten. Mobility. Stretching. Rolling out. Smashing. Whatever it takes to
get those sore muscles loosened up. Now mobility isn’t a naturally intuitive
thing to do, but t is something very important and not something I need to do
more of.  I’m missing my homework partner
who is off celebrating her birthday in the tropics and the GHD (which may or
may not be in pieces somewhere nearby), but I will do my best to get this
2 Rounds
1 Lap (Box)
10 Wallball
Burpee Broad Jump
10 Sit-ups
We are in the last week of Texas and while
I haven’t had a lot of regular reps, it’s always fun to see if you can improve
your numbers.  @Keilshammer joined me for
the #530Crew and we had ourselves a little throw down.
12 minutes to find 1RM Shoulder Press
Tabata x8
ME Handstand Hold (Box)
18 minute AMRAP
6 Power Cleans (@155lbs)
8 Burpees
10 Knees to Elbows
I was going to just warm the shoulders up
and see how they felt and 3 lifts in I realized that today was going to be the
day. Everything felt really good and strong and I finished with a 10lb PR of
146.5lbs. I truly believe I could have gotten to 160lbs, but I simply ran out
of time (had to climb slowly). When got to the WOD, it was a sign of things to
come, OPEN 2016. We are starting to get ready and this one was a doozy. 6
rounds + 3 Burpees when time expired. It was a lot of fun once I caught my
Hip Stretch
Child Pose Lat Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Psoas Smash
Lat Smash
Neck Smash
Shoulder Smash
Glute Smash
Back Rollout
With all the shoulder work today, there
were no Deficit Pull-ups, but it felt pretty good just to loosen everything up.
I even got to share a little bit the
mobility game with some folks that were hanging around. As I try and figure out
what’s next (after the Catalyst Certification), I always come back to the
CrossFit Mobility Cert. Maybe in 2016? Who knows, but maybe.


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