Categories: CrossFit

Things I Learned This Week

But I all I want to do is LIFT
Saturday (June 13) – Well this week has been a raging hot
mess of garbage. Harsh? Maybe, but everything that was going on added up to a
week where I didn’t get to WOD. We all know that if I don’t get the chance to
lift something or curse at a Burpee, I become a very miserable person. This
week did bring some clarity to me though and I guess I need to be thankful for
that. I’ve been listless. I’ve been lazy and I have been taking the easy road
because of injuries to not do the things that I know I must do. That stops now.
I’ve been to see the MAT Wizard (Ian) and I’ve tried a Naturopath (more on both
of those in a minute) and right now, training resumes whether something is achy
or not. Suck it up buttercup, this is about to get ugly (now before you freak
out, I will not put myself in a position where I do more damage).
What’s the story on your treatments? Glad you asked. Dr.
Dunk (Naturopath) has got me on a regiment of supplements to try and reduce the
inflammation in my joints and to try and get my body to be more efficient
digesting food. Vitamin C, Joint Pro, Slim Pro and my normal Fish Oil,
Calcium/Magnesium, B100 and Curcumin (being phased out) means that I am
swallowing a ton of capsules every day. Blech! Ian (the Wizard) has found that
not all is well with my legs (surprise) and that the Tibia isn’t rotating to
absorb impact which is putting stress on the knee and my Achilles. Hopefully
after this second treatment (and assorted homework exercises), everything will
remain turned on and the rest of the body will get with the program.
I taught my first Saturday Class!
Can you tell I’m still excited about coaching?
My peeps were awesome! It was make up day (if you missed any
day of programming, you could do it now) and then they attacked Kelly. It was
tough with the Run, Wallballs and Box Jumps, but everyone worked their butts
off. Sadly my 11am class was empty so it was a short day (the coaching part
anyway), traffic to and from @CrossFitCanuck from beyond the Wall (Game of
Thrones reference for north of the 407) was stupid due to closures and
I did make it back to the box later in the day to meet John
North (@attitudenation) who was flying in to teach a seminar on Sunday. It was
pretty cool to be able to meet him and watch him lift in person. While I was
waiting for him and the rest of the Canuck Coaches, I decided I might as well
put my spare time to some use and do some lifting. Hmm, what to do? Well the
1RM Shoulder Press, Push Press and Push Jerk looked like a good time.
5 minute AMRAP
200m Row
10 Squats
10 Push-ups
That’s the look of a PR
Well it has been a while since I did anything useful and
just hanging out in the box, working with the heavy metal blaring felt pretty
spectacular. I had a nice little sheen (sweat) going and after some shoulder
mobility to get them warmed up, I grabbed a bar and started working through the
lifts.  I was a little hesitant at first,
but everything felt really good so I started putting on the plates. Did you see
that photo at the top with the green ring? Do you know what that is? That is
the look at my first Shoulder Press PR in almost 2 YEARS! Is it a huge
increase? No. Is it an increase? Hell YES! The hits kept on coming too, PR in
the Push Press and the Push Jerk. I think I could have gone a bit higher too,
but I was starting to tire and didn’t want to risk injury.
@attitudenation, @canuckcoach, @zlreyes and @akaribatman
arrived soon after and the boys started working the Back Squat. I wasn’t ready
for that much stress to my knee so I just sat back and enjoyed the show. It was
crazy impressive and we all cheered along as @attitudenation hit a 601lb Back
Squat (see video below). It was awesome. I started warming up my Snatch (my
weakest lift) and I hadn’t got very far when the knee started complaining on
the pull. Are you kidding me? On the pull? I did get a few in and
@attitudenation gave me some helpful tips about my footwork (which I will be
practicing) and said that my bar path and contact point (at the hip) were
really good.
I bee lined back to the hacienda to get ready for a full day
of meal prep.  There will be no more ‘messing’
around, preparation will be the key to success. If I want to get back to 100%
and to my goal weight, then convenience food is out the window.  I also had a chat with Jillian (you remember
Tav when she has programming for me) and we are going to start attacking this
body again…
I’m looking forward to see how the week unfolds…


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