Early this morning…
Tuesday’s training plan went out the window
when I found out there was a 30th anniversary screening of my
favorite movie of all-time. Ghostbusters. Is there anything better then Bill
Murray busting ghosts and blowing up the top 4 stories of a Manhattan
high-rise? Amazeballs. To get to see it on the big screen? Priceless. A big
thank you to @SavannahJessie, who sat through the whole screening with me
quoting just about every line (under my breath so I wouldn’t disturb the rest
of the theater). Needless to say, I had catch up for Wednesday.
Who you gonna call???
So bright and early I strapped on the gear
for a little 2 miler to get the morning started. I didn’t really want to, but
with time ticking down, work has to be done. So I ran 3.44KM in 27m06s with an
average pace of 7m29s/KM. Nothing blazing fast, but still respectable
considering my hip and knee were both being jerks. My heart rate was 137BPM
over the course of the run and I maxed at 159BPM. Shockingly, I felt absolutely
AMAZING when I got back and for the remainder of a day.
500m Row
4 minute AMRAP
10 DUs
10 Ground to Overhead (15lb Plate)
10 Lunges
We had lots of Split Jerking to get done
and I was a bit of a scatter brain during Coach Ade’s warm-ups (sorry
@missade3). We were working from the
rack lifting 6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of 60%,70%,80%,85%,90% and 95% of our 1RM (I was
lifting 175lbs for my last lift). This got really heavy, really freaking
quickly. I had a couple of shaky reps, but for the most part I felt really
solid. Once this was done, we had a session of 3 reps every 90s @155lbs.
7 Rounds (2 minutes Work, 1 minute Rest)
60 DUs
7 Deadlifts (@275lbs)
ME Toes to Bar
So scoring for this WOD is T2B. There was a
whole lot going on here. For the first and third round I did 120 singles, for
round 2 DUs (didn’t get to the Deadlift) and for the remaining I did 60
singles. For the T2B, there were a couple of running attempts (Sorry Tav), but
I also worked on just jumping up to the bar and getting my toes up (seemed to
work too!). Thanks to @akari_batman for the encouragement to get those last few
rep attempts. Total score for the WOD, 32.
3 Wall Walks
The Wall Walks felt ‘ok’ but there were no
Shoulder Touches for this kid. With all the Splits, my shoulders were pretty
tired. I was going to be around the box for a while so I decided to ‘flush’ out
my legs. Not the flush that @missade3 is
talking about, but the lactic acid kind. That and the weekly homework.
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
1,000m Run
4x Handstand Kickup Attempts
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
Gorgeous Evening!
I almost managed to get to vertical on the kickups, but I was really starting
to stiffen up. I think it will only be a matter of time. I just need to be able
to get into the handstand, the HSPU can come later. Tomorrow there is a WOD on
deck and then a post WOD run with @Keilshammer (welcome back to full time
WODDING Hammer).