Break out the Natalie Imbruglia
Some people have a long weekend and some
(Me) get stuck working the Monday. Now let’s be honest, if this was the US the
Canada Day Long Weekend would be 4 days long. Most of us though got stuck
working Monday (in body, but not necessarily in mind) and I got to hit up
@CrossFitCanuck for Max Out Week. Texas is OVER! This week is all about seeing
how much our numbers have increased.
800m Run
40 Jumping Jacks
20 Squats
10 Close Elbow Push-ups
30 Jumping Jacks
10 Squats
10 Close Elbow Push-ups
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Squats
10 Close Elbow Push-ups
Group Warm-up
Now when I got to the box I noticed one
glaring thing, no @SarahBassels to lift with me. Inside I was sobbing. OK,
enough picking on Baz. Today was the Front Squat. We started loading up for 20
minutes and when it was all said and done I had tied my PR due to some shoddy
record keeping. I hit 255lbs in a LEGIT Front Squat. No plates, full depth and
the whole 9 yards. I had 2 attempts at 260lbs, but I just didn’t have it today
(could be that I missed a 4 week section of Texas with travel and injury).
WOD (15 minute CAP)
21 – 15 – 9
Power Cleans (@115lbs)
OHS (@45lbs)
Toes to Bar
Now the WOD originally was supposed to be
Power Cleans and OHS at the same weight, but I am sick of modifying. The MRI is
done, I’m waiting for the results and I’m sick of not being able to lift. So
today, instead of getting Tav to give me a mod I just loaded up a second bar.
Guess what? No, I did not make it worse. It did not feel terrible. Looks like it’s
time to get strong. I made it to 3 OHS in the last 9 when I CAPPED out and in
Canuck fashion, if you make it that far, finish. It was a good idea, until the
8th Toes to Bar. RIP! So much for that large chunk of skin.
1 mile Run
Sore and torn we headed out on a new little
course as a group. It was a fun little
run down Progress Ave and I managed to record my best ever time for a mile
(with a final Sprint 50m) at 7m34s. Woot! Not bad considering my ankles still
aren’t 100%. @keilshammer, that is a status update, not bitching just in case
you were wondering. Other then being
absolutely drenched because of the heat and humidity, it was a great day at the
box (except finding out Deadlifts aren’t Wednesday anymore).
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
Glute Stretch
Back Stretch
Hip Stretches
I hope everyone has a great Canada Day! I’m
just getting ready to get out the door for some Canada Day fun
@CrossFitCanuck. It should be a good day
(let’s just hope the weather holds off).