I know I may have said it before, but it’s amazing how
quickly things add up. It seems like just yesterday that I started this blog as
I tried to stick to P90X as a way to lose weight and get healthy. It was a
means for me to remain accountable and to share a bit of this journey, both the
highs and the lows (and as you may have guessed I’m not a big emotional
‘sharer’). Over the last few years I’ve tried my hand at lots of things,
snowboarding, cycling, running, P90X, but it seems fitting that post 700 is
about a day doing the thing that has changed my life. A normal Monday, sweating
it out with my family @CrossFitCanuck.
400m Run
3 Rounds of
15 Beat Swings
15 Push-ups
15 Squats
As I took off on my Run, my legs were decidedly unhappy.
This was not the ‘easy’ motion of the bike and they were stiff from 300KM over
the last 7 days. I was nervous about even coming in tonight, but a response
from Jillian stated that without a doubt I should show up (in hindsight, I
really wasn’t looking for any other answer, just a gentle nudge). I did make
one concession, I wouldn’t be lifting heavy as we were entering our final round
of Texas. 6 minutes, lifting every 90 seconds with my Back Squat buddy
@SarahBassels lifting 165lbs. Oh, did I mention it was 5 reps? Well it was and
it got heavy very quickly. Still having some footing issues, but new lifters
will have to wait. We followed that up with a 5 minute EMOM of HSPU. Since I’m
still nursing the shoulder, I’m going off the box until I get results of my
WOD (20 minute CAP)
From 0 to 6 minutes
64 Pull-ups
8 OHS (@205lbs)
From 6 to 20 minutes
200 Single Skips
50 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
25 Thrusters (@95lbs)
I finished 28 Pull-ups in the first section. My shoulder was
tired, but in a sweltering box I worked as hard as I could. Based on the
debacle during my last DU session (almost took out my eye), I took Coach Z’s
(@zlreyes) offer of singles. The Kettlebell Swings were back to an easier
weight and the Thrusters felt reasonably good. I finished the second part in
8m28s. The #530Crew all finished under the CAP and even in the heat (or
fighting the Rope).
3x400m Run
3x250m Row
Sluggish is the only way to describe my attempt at running
today. My legs felt like lead, but I slugged it out to make sure the work was
done. The Rows were less stressful, but
still not as easy as they normally are. I thought that I was going to let my
evening stand here, but I could hear the words of Dr. Spin reverberating in my
head. Stretch.
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
Back Stretch
Not a lot of stretching to be sure, but some is better then
none. Still being somewhere between Europe and Eastern time zones, I was still
pretty messed. Tuesday is a recovery day and I hope that I will be back to
normal by the time Wednesday rolls around.
Thank you for following this journey,