Categories: CrossFit

Rope For Sale

I’m not sure that I have enough foul words to describe how
much I loathe Double Unders. Even if I could give voice to my displeasure, I’m
pretty sure that no one on Earth has heard the combinations of these swear
words.  While it does make me feel better
to voice my frustration, that doesn’t help my hands, my shins or my legs deal
with the vicious impact of a steel wire moving at the speed of hurt. Now while
I did fare better then some, I’m at my wits end. How to get better at a
movement that you sort of get some days and can’t even spell on others.
400m Run
3 Good Mornings
5 Front Squats
7 Shoulder Press
I was feeling pretty well after the first run of the year,
but I was nervous to see how Texas would play out today. @SarahBassels and I
teamed up for a fast and dirty Front Squat session of 4 reps lifting every 90
seconds for 4m30s. I hit 140lbs, 150lbs, 165lbs and 180lbs. It was heavy but we
got each other through it with some good coach from Coach Ade (@missade3). No
rest for us though, we went straight into Speed Deadlifts. You remember those. Lift
every 20 seconds for 4 minutes. The catch is, you control the weight and you
stay in the hole. @265lbs, it wasn’t too heavy, but oh my, were my hammies
7 minute AMRAP
50 DUs (Fack)
20 Ring Dips (Purple)
7 minute AMRAP
50 DUs (Double Fack)
10 Clean & Jerk (@135lbs)
Not fun. Getting beat up (and down), but not quitting.
Sometimes that’s all you can do, keep plugging away and trying to get the reps
done. In AMRAP #1 I finished 1 round plus 15 DUs and in AMRAP #2 I finished 1
round plus 7 DUs. I’m not satisfied with either of those scores. It’s tough
when you are burning through so much energy just to get through the DUs. The
Dips were challenging, but doable and the Clean & Jerks were straight
forward. More work to do.
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
5 Pull-ups
5 Chest to Bar
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
Forearm Stretch
Back Stretch
Big High-Five to JoJo for getting her GHD homework done and
then coming back to the rig to work on Pull-ups before checking out for the
evening. I was starting to stiffen up by the time I got to the end of the BWOD.
It was quick tonight because I was visiting @Wardy_ for a massage on the legs
and hips before the SportigLife 10k. Once I get through the weekend the focus
shifts to the bike.
Countdown to France = 17 Days


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