OK, maybe not tthhhhaaaaatttt cccoooolllldddd
So by all accounts I my have been a been a little bit
premature declaring that spring may have sprung because let me tell you, the
mile run tonight was cold. I got to
@CrossFitCanuck with a head that wasn’t 100% into doing much tonight. I’m not
sure, but going home to bed would have been fine by me too. Unfortunately (or
fortunately depending on how you are looking at it) those are the days when it
is imperative to go and work as hard as you can.
400m Run
20 Squats
Let’s get ready to get dirty because tonight we have ourselves
a strength portion that has a total of 12 separate movements to be completed 6
times. Our CAP was 15 minutes for this
and the goal was to get heavier on each lift without dropping the bar. Now I
hit 5 of the 6 lifts and failed twice on the last round. The heaviest weight I
hit was 115lbs.
Big Clean Complex
High Hang Squat Clean
Hang Squat Clean
Squat Clean
Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean
Hang Squat Clean
Squat Clean
Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean
Hang Squat Clean
Squat Clean
Split Jerk
That whole setup was spicy after yesterday’s Front Squat
1RM. I managed to keep good form throughout, but seemed to have trouble with my
attempts at 125lbs. I lost my core on
the first round and had some shoulder issues halfway through the second. I
figured it was best to leave it there.
WOD (20 minute CAP)
1 mile Run
AMRAP with Remaining Time
10 Front Squats (@115lbs)
10 Box Jumps (24” Box)
10 Front Rack Lunges (@115lbs)
To say it was brisk was an understatement. On the plus side
I did get to use my new Under Armor running pull-over (woohoo!), but my melon
was freezing and I had trouble getting up to speed. I ran a 9m15s (ish) mile
and finished 2 full rounds plus 6 Box Jumps. The run was hard and I couldn’t
seem to get up to full speed. My breathing was ok, but I just didn’t have much
in the tank. Oh well, that’s why we work. Thanks to Coach D (@DefconRX) for the
modifications tonight to protect the wing.
50 Heavy Russians (@70lbs)
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
It was tough to hit the GHD machine again tonight after last
night’s homework. Still, if it’s on the board you have to get it done. There
was also a BWOD that needed doing, but it wasn’t going to be too intense after
everything that’s been on the schedule this week.
2×1 minute (per leg) Coach D Hamstring Stretch
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Shoulder Stretch (Rig)
Deep Squats (Rig)
2 Failed Pull-ups
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
I’m not sure what happened on the Pull-ups, but I was trying
to work from the dead hang. It was tough and I could feel a lot of stress so I dropped.
The new hamstring stretch was a killer and just showed how tight some of my
components are. Lots of mobility will be
on the menu.