Categories: CrossFit

That Old Black Magic

As much as I jest that Muscle Activation Therapy is Voodoo, damn,
it works. I had my second session with Ian at CoreStrength and it was very
encouraging.  All the muscles that he got
working again in the last session remembered that they are in fact supposed to
be working. BONUS! Today was the meat and potatoes of it and we got into the
shoulder today and the 16 muscles that are attached. We increased my range of
motion and found that there were a couple more muscles (lower trapezius, I’m
looking at you… lazy…). I followed that up with a session with @Wardy_ who
tried to contain her disappointment at not being able to go nuts with my
shoulder. She did find a whole bunch of crispy bits in my back and neck and I felt
relaxed (and hungry) when I left.
Quote of the day: @Wardy_ “Are you flexing your arm?” Me “Nope.”
@Wardy_ “Geebus, your arms are huge!”
500m Row
10 Push-ups
10 Beat Swings
10 Push-ups
10 Jumping Squats
Pectoralis Major Activation
Latissimus Dorsi Activation
After a crazy birthday WOD on Monday and 10 Rounds with the
Tag Team of Ian and @Wardy_, I was a bit crispy going into today’s deload
(insanity). @luvmousey, I took it easy on Tuesday and relatively not crazy
tonight.  First off tonight was finding a
20RM Bench Press. Do not adjust your monitor, that does say 20. The high number
of the day was 170lbs, and subconsciously, everybody wants to be top dog on the
Bench. I got to work with @humphrda today and we went at it hard (thanks for
the spot and the encouragement). I successfully completed 155lbs 20 times and
then went up to 165lbs only to fail at 17 reps. Ugh. Just needed 3 more.
WOD (14 minute CAP)
35 Pull-ups (19RX, 16 with Green Band)
10 Power Cleans (@165lbs)
25 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Blue Band)
10 Squat Cleans (@165lbs)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Squat Clean & Jerk
I tried to go the full 35 Pull-ups RX, but it was just too
much. Got through them and finished with 9 of 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups. The
Squat Cleans felt ok, but I think I still have lots of work to do there. My
hips just weren’t working properly today and the knee which was feeling better
is starting to ache now (I need Jillian to watch a few Squat Cleans because I think
the knee is collapsing inward).
5x 1m40s Row (20 sec Rest)
I was not looking forward to the Row. Mostly because I thought
it was a full 9 Rounds.  @SarahBassels
and I skipped the Row last week and as a result, we buckled down and got
through it. The goal was to hit 500m each round. That, was a tall order. I hit
498m in Round 1, but that was my best total. I finished with 2,435m in 10
minutes. Big congrats to @humphrda and @kikimaga for not bailing on the
Cash-out and getting it done!
Glute Stretch
Groin Stretch
Sumo Squat Stretch (Courtesy of @missade3)
Forearm Stretch
Hip Stretch
Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
Serratus Anterior
Hopefully I’m good to go for tomorrow because it’s off for 7
days after that. OK, not off, but snowboarding and relaxing at Blue. Get ready
for some offsite posts!


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