Categories: CrossFit

Stupid Early and 2013 The Year in Review

Happy New Year Baz!
You know it’s early when the leading digit on your clock is
a ‘4’. Now I wouldn’t normally bother rolling out of bed at this ridiculous
time, but I promised. @SarahBassels was coaching the 6am classes on Christmas
Eve and New Year’s Eve and since I had to bail on the 24th, well I
promised I would be @CrossFitCanuck today. Wasn’t feeling good about that
decision when I saw the time. Today is going to be broken up into 2 sections,
today’s silliness and then a recap of 2013 with focus on the Goals set forth in
No Resolutions Here. Tomorrow will be the No Resolutions Here 2014 Edition.
Only snows in Scarborough at 540am
400m Row
2 Rounds of
5 Burpees
10 Good Mornings
15 Push-ups
Just like the last few sessions I’ve been doing Hip/Glute
Smashes with the Lacrosse Ball to try and loosen up these tight hips. I made an
interesting discovery over the last couple of days regarding range of motion.
My left hip seems to be a little for flexible than my right. No idea why, but
something else to work on. Now today’s WOD was a straight up fire breather. It
was long and it was tough, but oh so much fun.
5 minute ME Row
1 minute Rest
5 minute 2RM Front Squat
1 minute Rest
5 minute Burpee Over Box Jump
1 minute Rest
5 minute Muscle-up Progressions
1 minute Rest
5 minute 1RM Ground to Shoulder
Holy Moses! That right there was quite the send-off for
2013. All-out, 1 minute to recover and then repeat… Many times. Now I was first
to the box (after @SarahBassels) so I got to choose where I started. Can you
guess what I selected? Row! I hit 1,463m in the 5 minutes including a NEW PR
for the 1000m at 3m24s (15 second PR). 225lb Front Squat (with good form), 26
BOBJ using the 24” Box and 20 MU Progressions. There is still lots for me to
work on to get anywhere near a MU. I finished of by hitting 210lbs in a Power
Clean (modified from Shoulder to Overhead). Don’t think we stopped there
Power Clean Ladder (6 minute CAP)
Power Clean (@100lbs)
Alternating Pistols
So now that we are all gassed we jumped into the Ladder.
Tavia is getting serious with Open Prep (Love IT!). 1 lift and then 1 Pistol on
each side. 2 lifts and 2 Pistols… I ended up using the 16” Box with an Abmat as
a modification, but it felt really good and my legs only complained a little
bit. Pistols are one of those exercises that I need to start incorporating into
BWODs. I finished 5 rounds plus 10 Pistols (I completed the last 2 after time
Hip Stretches
Glute Stretches
Forearm Stretch
Knee to Wall
Ankle Mobility (Mat)
5 Pull-ups
Well 2013 has been quite the ride. I’m not even sure how I
can put into words all the things I have experienced. Actually, that’s a lie.
If you read this blog, you have a pretty good idea about the highs and lows
that I’ve gone through in the last 12 months. It’s funny really how life works.
I discovered @CrossFitCanuck by accident (Thanks @FitnFreshGear) and in doing
so I found a passion. People joke that all CrossFitters talk about is CrossFit.
I can see how people can mistake
enthusiasm and passion for something as an obsession, but it’s a universal
desire to be better. I have met some amazing people, been pushed through
barriers and become a better person for it (I hope).

Broke the 300lb Barrier (270lbs)

Climbed the Rope

Did a Pull-up

Ran a Half Marathon

Found the World Below Parallel
There were probably many smaller milestones (that were still
important), but I would be here all day trying to list them. Doing a Box Jump.
Doing a Pull-up. Discovering how to eat clean. There are still barriers that I
need to punch through, but this fire I have for CrossFit is something that will
drive me to be better every day.
That’s a pretty short recap for 365 days. True, but I’m here
to look forward with only a quick glance behind. I can’t change anything back
there. I can only affect what’s ahead of me. This holds true for everyone. So
from Me to You, Happy New Year. May you find that 1 thing you can be passionate
about and have a healthy happy 2014.


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