It seems like I’m spending my days just trying to catch-up.
That is not only worrying, but it doesn’t make you feel good about your life
planning skills. Where am I going? How
am I getting there? All seem to be questions that have been popping up. I have
my short term goals sure, Wasaga Triathlon Relay, the Whole Life Challenge,
ScotiaBank Half Marathon and the last 40lbs just to put them out there, but
then what? Now the opening tonight makes it seem like I’m not happy with the
progress, not so (I’m thrilled), I just need to make sure I don’t become
stagnant. Besides on this Thursday (even though this post is going up Friday),
something pretty cool happened.
Warm-up ‘A’
Shuttle Run (Slow)
10 Lateral Jumps over Parallettes
10 Dislocates
Shuttle Run (Medium)
10 Lateral Jumps over Parallettes
10 Power Cleans (with PVC)
Shuttle Run (Fast)
10 Push-ups
10 Squats
Now I was feeling extra tasty crispy after the last 2 days
@CrossFitCanuck (especially after Hatch) and after yesterday’s declaration
about lifting, I was not 100% primed for today. Today I managed to do the 3
Drop Snatches in Warm-up ‘B’ for the first time in 2 months and while I had to
go slowly, at least it was progress. First up today was 3-Position Power Snatch
Complex. I was lifting overhead, but I was working at a light weight 85lbs.
They weren’t all pretty (I seem to have managed to mess up my form somehow and
my hips aren’t coming through the bar), but I worked on getting better. The 2
minute AMRAP of Power Snatches were fun though and I hit 15 at 85lbs.
WOD (For Time)
800m Run
EMOM for 9 minutes
4 Hang Power Cleans (@115lbs)
4 HSPU (Box)
4 Box Jumps (20” Box)
*10 Burpee Penalty for any rounds not completed
400m Run
Now I wasn’t sure how this WOD was going to go, but right
from the get go (at least after the run) I was having a blast. I plated up
twice before we started and probably should have gone RX on the Power Cleans
(@135lbs), but that will be for another day.
You just shut your brain off and go (although Lu and I had some issues
coordinating who’s box was who’s). No Burpees and back out for the second run
(with a sprint finish) and a time of 16m36s. I think I even have Jeff convinced
to finish any WOD with a run on the end with a sprint.
4 Rounds of
20 second Hollow Rock Hold
30 Sit-ups
Yesterday I posted that Half Marathon training hadn’t gotten
off to a great start and Thursday is scheduled to be the HEAVY day. Now maybe
Hal didn’t plan a CrossFit WOD before running, but CrossFit is my thing and
running will just have to deal with it. I was supposed to get 3 miles (4.8KM)
in along with strength training so when the #630 class came out to run, I went
with them. Only thing was I didn’t stop. I ran and ran and ran and… you get the idea.
13 laps of @CrossFitCanuck which works out to 5.2KM in a little over 34
minutes. The
EXCITING part is that I ran my fastest 5KM
EVER. That’s right, after a full WOD I logged 5KM in 32m41s,
beating my best time by over 30 seconds.
No stops, just left foot, right foot.
BWOD (Half Training)
5,200m Run
I have no doubt that it will still get harder before I am
ready to lace them up with @c_snapper and Jess, but hopefully if I can keep
focused I will be able to finish! Lots of fluids and stretching afterwards and then a quick rollout.
Word of the Day – Determination