Categories: CrossFit

More Than 20 Years

This week has been pretty tough for me. I’m sick of this
stupid shoulder and half Marathon training has not gotten off to an outstanding
start. I’ve had trouble getting the miles in so far and even though I have more
than 10 weeks to go, it’s time to get moving. Today (Wednesday) was not a run
day though. Tonight it’s @CrossFitCanuck and after the beating I took last
night, there are a couple of changes I’m making. First off, as mentioned, this
shoulder is getting stupid so I’m going to start pushing weights overhead. They
may not be super heavy, but it will be a start. Second there won’t be a BWOD
tonight because I have to run after class to meet Mrs. P! Paula and I went to
high school together and she’s in town from Austin so tonight we get to catch
up (for the first time in about 4 years).

Warm-up ‘A’
400m Run

With the packed house I didn’t get to complete the rest of
warm-up, but I got a whole bunch of Dislocates and Leg Stretching in. I won’t
lie, my body was stiff and sore from yesterday and it wasn’t exactly looking
forward to Hatch. Now I’ve been off cycle so I haven’t done a lot of Squatting
and I’m worried. We lifted every 2 minutes for 8 minutes 8 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps
and 6 reps. I worked at 225lbs, 240lbs, 260lbs and 275lbs. It was Heavy and my
hips were complaining something fierce. When we flipped around to the Front
Squat, I was in trouble. I made it through the first 2 rounds of 5 reps and 5
reps, but I failed in my 3rd round @145lbs.

WOD (20 minute CAP)
8 Muscle-up Progressions
20 Wallball (@14lbs)
30 Pull-ups (Green Band)

Then 4 Rounds of…
4 Split Jerks (@100lbs)
4 Ground to Overhead (@100lbs)

8 Muscle-up Progressions
20 Wallball (@14lbs)
30 Pull-ups (Green Band)

I messed up with my and selection (I meant to use Blue), but
I still managed to complete the Pull-ups. My time to complete the WOD was
18m12s and the only part I really struggled with were the MU Progressions. The
twisting and pushing caused issues and for the last 2 reps I had to complete 2x
Ring Rows. In the end, the entire #530Crew was a shaking hot mess. Everyone
went all out to finish this doozy. There was a Cash-out today, but we could not
move. We rolled out and stretched and tried to get ready to do it again


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