Categories: CrossFit

This Way to the Beach

A big ‘Thank You’ to all those who have commented on the
guns on display in yesterday’s blog post. Biceps for miles! It’s amazing what
eating well and working out harder than you ever have in your life can do for
your physique. No, there was no Photoshop involved, just lots of sweat and a
flattering photo (thanks Robin). That said, on the crispy scale, I am bumping
up to the high end thanks to the ride and the new exercises from Jillian.

Warm-up ‘A’
500m Row
15 – 12 – 9
Jump Squats

Warm-up ‘B+’
3 Jump Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Drop Snatch
3 Sots Press
5 Duck Walk (Forward)
5 Duck Walk (Backward)
3 Bounces

More Squats… That’s what was on tonight’s menu for strength
training. 5 rounds of 5 reps @225lbs Back Squats with a 3 second hold at the
bottom.  As soon as I got into the hole
on the first one I knew it was going to be tough, my hips were screaming in
protest. I did make sure to hold for a 5 count each time though because I didn’t
want to earn a longer hold for coming up too early.  We followed that up with 5 rounds of 3 reps
Split Jerks @115lbs.

15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 – 2 Reps of
Thrusters (@115lbs)
Box Jumps (4x45lb Plates)
Pull-ups (Green Band)

Coach @DefconRX keeps finding ways to challenge me and it’s
awesome.  I was contemplating dropping my
weight down to 95lbs when he casually strolled by and asked if I had done Fran
at RX.  The answer was yes, so he ‘recommended’
adding a minimum of 20lbs. Great decision, but I was right at the limit of what
I was going to be able to push in a Thruster (the Squat Clean portion). This
WOD was super crispy and I was worried that there was going to be a CAP.
Thankfully once you get past the round of 9s, you just want to get done. I
finished in 20m06s. Really finished, the gas tank was empty.

10 Candlesticks
40 Pistols

The Cash-out was Roll to Candlesticks, but given how I was
feeling, I attempted 1 and realized it would be safer to do the standard ones
and skip the Handstands. Even taking my time, the Pistols were tough. I’m not
there yet, but it’s getting closer and closer.
Friday’s going to be a rest and recharge day and @missade3 says there’s
no cancelling on Saturday’s birthday WOD for Riley (eek!).

There was no BWOD tonight, but I did get to have an awesome Skype
with my Sis and Willow (Naveen was there too), great way to close out the day. Side
note for you on the weigh-in goals that Tavia has setup for me for this summer.
The goal was to hit 285lbs by May 31 and 275lbs by June 30 (and so on…). I’m
6 days late on the May goal, but I hit 285lbs!! Even with all the weight loss
and shopping, my mental image of myself didn’t really change until today. I got
emailed a picture from Sunday from the Ride for Heart that shook up how I see
myself and I’m pretty happy about where I’m headed.


Thanks for coming on the ride,


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