
Happy Long Weekend

  The LONG WEEKEND is HERE!!! Excited much? Just a bit. I got an extra long weekend thanks to some…

8 years ago

Milestones and Grindstones

Where I spent a solitary Sunday afternoon... Milestones? Well how about a spirited round ‘Happy Anniversary to Me’ (and I…

8 years ago

So Recovery is KEY

  Remember that wrecking ball? Well it turns out that it was more like an underground tactical nuclear weapons test.…

8 years ago

No Really. Where Has The Time Gone.

After a super sweaty welcome back WOD... Can you believe the summer is almost over? No it’s true. August is…

9 years ago

The Price of Progress

First ride of the year and this helmet is still badass. Well I hope that everyone had a great weekend!!…

9 years ago

Off to See The Wizard

The Wizard of MAT! Wednesday (November 25) – So as @keilshammer loves to point out, there is a lot of…

9 years ago

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