Happy Birthday Canada, You Don’t Look a Day Over 125!

Happy Canada Day!! (Post 7.5km Run)




Too early in the morning for shouting? Nope, not today it isn’t! Welcome to the Canada Day Long Weekend and all the adventures that it brings! Oh my goodness, there is so much to get caught up on. Where to begin? Time (as always) seems to be the issue, as in there just isn’t enough of it (it seems) to get everything done in a day and still give the blog the attention it deserves. I don’t understand how the pros do it. Ghostwriters? A room full of monkeys on typewriters? Time turners (always fun when you can squeeze a Harry Potter reference in, especially since we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of book one, The Philosopher’s Stone). OK. Buckle Up.


Not on the ETP menu, but this Fried Chicken Sandwich from District 28 (@d28barbistro) was AMAZING. We found it at the Adelaide Eats Market (#AdelaideEATS)


First up let’s talk about my progress with Eat to Perform.  I have been sticking to my numbers for the most part and aside from an 8lb gain during my visit out West for the Tour of Alberta, Wedding Bonanzas and the Graduation it’s been a slow and steady decent. Now with apologies to @CanuckCoach for my very inconsistent logging (inconsistent seems to be the word of the month for June), I have been conscious of most food choices and how I am approaching eating. There are days, especially heavy run days where I have to work on my fueling strategy a little more, but overall I’m very happy. I was down as low as 285lbs and am just above that as I type this out. With the training goals over the next two month I expect that number to drop very steeply and I will endeavor to get my sh*t together and get everything logged for you Coach.

I did get out a bit…


On the training side I’m a little bit frustrated with myself. There have been mornings where I could have gotten out, but instead succumbed to the desire for two hours more sleep. With my virtual training partner just coming back from injury, my Challenge partner banged up and myself nursing various nicks (mostly due to being old and clumsy), the motivation just wasn’t there.  Now the calendar has flipped and Chicago is approaching with the speed of a runaway Freight Train, there are no excuses left. Running distance was down 30Kms from the previous month and that isn’t going to get it done. I’m shooting to hit the century mark for July (100Kms for those having trouble with math on this Saturday morning) and 160Kms for August before tapering for September. Now June wasn’t a complete write off, I did get out for some long hilly runs (including, 17Kms, 11Km, 9Km and a few smaller ones) so at least that is positive.  This morning I got out for 7.5Kms in 54m14s (pretty good for me) and considering how muggy it was and how I felt, feel free to insert a small golf clap. There is still lots to go.


July’s Challenge


Now the month of June didn’t feature a challenge through a combination of things, but July is here and it’s time to get back to work. So in honor of Canada’s 150th Birthday, here is the BigBrnz.com July Challenge!  1500 (150*10, see what I did there) Kettlebell Movements. Now, there are a couple of rules here so pay attention before you try and complete this challenge with 1500 KB Swings. You CANNOT do the same movement for more than 300 Reps. That means you have to use at least 5 different KB Movements to complete July’s Challenge. I will even give you a head start and give you some movements to try. Kettlebell Swings, Heavy Russians, KB Deadlifts, Turkish Get-ups, Goblet Squats, KB Snatches, KB Cleans and KB Step-ups are all movements you can try (and this is by no means the complete list).  So there is your Challenge, 1500 movements in 31 days. GO!


Birthday Wishes with Extra Sprinkles (@bakeshoppeto)


Now I hope everyone has a safe long weekend, don’t drink and drive or go too crazy with the libations.  There is a lots going on, including some important birthdays (not just Canada’s). Happy belated birthday to @missionboyone and a very happy (early) birthday to my wife @savannahjessie! We have some friends visiting from out west and even though the itinerary has lots of eating, there will be lots of walking and activities to offset those (hopefully). Got outside (weather permitting) and enjoy this long weekend with family and friends!







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