Appreciate your people…
Wednesday (August 26) – Now if you’ve been
following along over the course of the years, you know that I’m not a ‘sharer’.
Don’t get me wrong, I am more then happy to share my toys with you (as long as
you take care of them), but feelings and such, I still have a hard time. I’ve
gotten way better (I like to think) since it was brought to my attention by @KatherineEFera.
Still there are times when you won’t get a peep out of me on the feelings
That being said, tonight I’m going to
share. Brace yourselves. If you aren’t into that, by all means skip ahead two
paragraphss. Still here? Well, you were warned. I don’t do a lot of contemplating
of those that have passed on anymore. It’s not for lack of faith, but I feel
that you can’t dwell on things like that because you will never move forward.
You never forget them, or how they touched your life, but you are still here
and have to keep moving on. After tonight’s Canuck Lite, I found myself with a
headache and in need of air, right then. I ended up outside as the smell of
spray paint or paint products wafted over me. No that is a smell I associate
with my Opa. He refinished furniture and there was forever that smell coming
out of the garage as he was fixing tables, chairs and you never knew what else.
Just me outside on an overcast evening with that smell, the calm and the
feeling that somewhere, Bernhard Didio was looking down at me. No tears,
nothing else. Just that quiet little moment.
There’s a lot going on in the World
nowadays. People are being killed for no reason or some imagined slight. We
sometimes lose loved ones without the chance to say goodbye. Tonight, for some
reason I felt I needed to share. Appreciate those that are important in your
life and let them know.
5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
Calorie Row
Scorpion Kicks
Day five in a row. After last nights PR
then not PR, my body is tired from all the work, but I’m also excited for one
last kick at the can before a LEGIT REST DAY. That’s when the shock of birthday
WOD caught me. @jeffortiz is celebrating a birthday and even though he has
shifted his focus to weightlifting (but he still had to do this).
10 minute EMOM
Drop Snatch
***Weight increase every minute
Jeff 22 (22 minute CAP)
2 Rounds
5 Squat Cleans (@155lbs)
22 Burpees over Box (24”)
5 Squat Cleans
22 Dumbbell Snatches (@35lbs)
5 Squat Cleans
22 Ring Dips (Green)
Gross. It’s a quick reminder that I’m not
22 anymore, but we work with what we have. Burpees. Burpees. Burpees. Burpees
are the perfect movement, but OMG they still suck. I got bogged down with the
ground to box movement and it’s what took the most toll. I finished 1 round and
2 Dumbbell Snatches. I worked especially hard to get the last 2 Snatches when I
had only 8 seconds to go.
5 Deficit Pull-ups
5 Candlesticks
10 Bridges
Hip Stretches
Back Rollout
It was good to be back working with my
Pull-up partner JoJo on our extra homework. Deficit Pull-ups and bridge work to
help make our kips more effective. Best way to get better is to keep working at
Partner 400m
***Pass 20lb Wallball
***Stop every side of the building and do 5
Wallball Passes each
It was a spicy warm-up working with Drew to
get around the building tossing the Wallball passes. The legs were still a bit
stiff from the birthday WOD but we got through it.
WOD (25 minute CAP)
20 Wallballs (20lbs)
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (@25lbs)
40 Burpees
200 Skips
40 Burpees
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
20 Wallballs
By the time we got through this one, I was
spent. I was not fast and less efficient then I would have liked to be, but I
did work on making my Burpee better. I jumped my feet up to my hands, they were
wide out, but it was a big improvement from what I was doing before. I will
keep working on the mobility and those feet will get closer and closer.