Categories: CrossFit

Happy Belated Canuck Day!!!

Lumberjack20 with the Beaver (aka Wallballs)
Wednesday (July 1) – Happy Freaking Birthday CANADA!! I know
by the time you actually read this it will be Happy Birthday ‘Merica, but there
has been a ton going on. Let’s recap. Wait, let’s not bother, you guys know
there is always stuff going on so let’s just say that coaching has been awesome
and I am headed back to regular #530Crew action starting on Monday so I am
excited. CrossFit Lite @CrossFitCanuck starts on Monday (which I will be doing
with @savannahjessie) as well so I will really be making a push to get strong
and lean before @savannahjessie and I head to the west for a wedding and some
quality time with the new fam!  Ok, back
to Canada Day. What should I do with this day off? Is that even a question? Get
out there and do something…
1000m Row
It was a pretty vanilla warm-up with just the row, but
combined with a little mobility and I was good to go. Tavia had a crazy WOD
planned and when I rolled in Sue Ann was taking part?? What?? SA is doing a
partner WOD with me? That’s amazing, as we haven’t worked out together since
before the J-man was born. In fact, there were only 3 of us for the coaches WOD
(SA, @girmantitov and I) so we decided that we would all tackle it together. There’s
nothing like a little team building and teamwork first thing in the morning.
Lumberjack20 with the Beaver
30 Deadlifts (@275lbs)
400m Run
30 KBS (@50lbs)
400m Run
30 OHS (@95lbs)
400m Run
30 Burpees
400m Run
30 Pull-ups
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (@24”)
400m Run
30 DB Squat Cleans (@35lbs each side)
400m Run
Looks easy right? Where’s the Beaver (you folks thinking
dirty thoughts in the cheap seats, pipe down)? Well the ‘Beaver’ is a 20lb
Wallball. Only 1 person could work at a time and the others needed to hold it.
If the Wallball (2 in our case) hit the ground, the entire team owed 10
Wallballs each. Well that sure makes things interesting…
@girmantitov and I waiting for SA to get back from a Run
We plugged away at it and it was great. If you felt good you
did a few extra reps and if you didn’t your teammates picked you up. We
finished in 26m46s, just before the start of regular classes. This was good
because you had built in moral support to keep you moving. Thanks guys, it was
a great way to spend the day!
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
Back Stretch
Frog Stretch
Glute Smash (Supernova)
Back Smash (Supernova)
Neck Smash (Supernova)
Lat Stretch (Band)
Shoulder Mobility
In the spirit of celebrating holidays, there isn’t a better
way (that I can think of) than getting together with your friends and getting
sweaty. It’s fun to just throw down and do work. Well, it is for me at least.
Does that make me twisted? Earn those celebratory drinks and snacks and help yourself
get strong.
Post WOD fun with Audrey’s Bubble Gun
Have a great Holiday Wednesday… I would like to petition
that like the Americans we get the extra days off around Canada Day to make it
a long weekend. While the day off is nice, a 5 day weekend would be nicer… I
might just have to use some vacation days!


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