Categories: CrossFit

Big Changes!

My View, Post WOD… It’s comfy down here…
Wednesday (Apr 29) – BIG CHANGES! Well if you are here, then
you may have already noticed ‘what’s new’. For my birthday @Savannahjessie
bought me a blog redesign, a professional one. Look at how fancy and new it
looks. With all these change there will be some new content (because
@keilshammer says I’m becoming repetitive). The blog will still track my various
exploits (CrossFit and Other), but in addition to that I will be bringing you
some recipes and nutrition talk. I’m by no means an expert. I like food that
tastes good. Through much trial and error and many experts I’ve picked up tips
and tricks to make meals healthier. I will gladly share. This is what worked
for me; try it, if it works awesome! If not, well we just have to keep looking
for something that you can stick with (and works). I will try and keep as
current as possible, but I might still be a day or two behind because of life
(which is a new section as well). Take a tour and let me know if there is any
topic you want me to explore. I’m always open to ways to improve the blog as
well, don’t be shy…
100m Row
10 Push-ups
150m Row
10 Inch Worms
150m Row
10 Burpees
It was a nice surprise to see Coach G (@girmantitov) for a
mid-week class. We are still working on the Conjugate Method so as always there
was a ton of work to do, but as I’ve said, besides the crispiness I am really
enjoying it. The only way to get better is to put in the work. Sometimes the
work sucks. Sometimes the work is so much fun you don’t realize you are doing
it. Trust me, this is the second one and a nice change from the normal.
Every 90s for 6min
3 Strict Ring Dips (Purple)
ME L Sit Hold
Every 2min for 6min
2 Hang Power Snatch
1 Snatch Balance
(3@50%, 3@60%, 2@90lbs, 2@90lbs)
Every 90s for 3min
5 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts (@90lbs)
Did you catch all that? We’ve been introducing a few new
movements and this was the first time I got to try the Snatch Grip Romanian
Deadlift. It is a pretty cool movement and as long as you follow direction you
feel the cues just like you are supposed to. The human body is a cool machine.
Pedlar’s GOATS No More (10min AMRAP)
10 Ring Rows
10 Ring Dips (Green)
10 Power Cleans (155lbs)
50 DUs
It’s kind of a bittersweet day at @CrossFitCanuck because another
part of the family is moving away. You guys need to seriously stop this because
emotionally I can’t handle this anymore. The Pedlar’s have bought a new home
and it’s just a little too far away to make regular WODs feasible. I hope they
will still come and visit lots and it has been a pleasure to WOD with the two
of you. I had to mod the MU portion of this one, but I went RX the rest of the
way including taking on the *expletive* DUs. I am getting better at them, but
they are still not efficient and just seem to suck the energy out of me. 1
round plus 9 DUs when the clock hit 10 minutes. Sadly more motor still isn’t
back in shape and I was left in a hot sweaty mess on the ground.
3 Deficit Pull-ups
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Lat Stretch (Band)
Calf Stretch (Plate)
3 Candlesticks
30 Abmat Sit-ups
Glute Stretches
Hip Stretches
Back Stretch
Back Rollout
No there is a BWOD that is starting to look a little more
like it’s supposed to. I really miss the GHD, but it’s ordered and just not
here yet. I might even volunteer to put it together when it arrives. Shoulders,
hips and core were the main focus and I think they will need to be for the foreseeable
future. I’m pretty certain that my aches and pains are a direct result of
trying to compensate for lack of mobility. It might be time to check out Broga
soon. Seriously. Google it.
Please send any comments you have for the blog and thanks
again to @Savannahjessie and Tara (@vball_chic14).


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