Categories: CrossFit

Deja Vu

Monday (Dec 8) – There has been a whole
bunch going on in Beez’s World. We have had folks in to look at flooring and
painting at the new house and I managed to complete my Xmas shopping. WOOHOO!
No more visiting local malls for me. No anxiety. No mortal kombat. That’s a big
win. Unfortunately I did manage the genius move of the weekend by forgetting my
laptop at my sister’s which resulted in 2x trips to Burlington. Yeah Me!
Today featured a lot of firsts including me
getting to teach my first Warm-up ‘B’ (insert Cartwheel with a giant SQUEE!).
It was tough to be on the other side of the classroom though. I had a warm-up
laid out with Tavia, but because of the volume of work we had to get through I
didn’t have a lot of time. It was tough to remain calm, but I will work harder
to make a cleaner Warm-up. We got through a lot of reps and the #530Crew worked
really hard to get it all done. Lots of takeaways (get your butt down in the
Power Clean catch) and we’ll see how Wednesday works out.
516m Row
5x100m Sprint
10x40s Work 20s Rest
30s Calorie Row
OK, I’m tired of Week 5. This is the 3rd
time I’ve attempted to get through this week and this time, I’m getting it
done. It was tough to get back onto the Rower, but these are the things that
have to be done. All 10 rounds were over 200m and it was solid work with no
rounds off. Considering the time off (again), it’s been a good day. Lots of
sweat and some hard pulls.
The other bit of coolness for today was
that I got to see the new box! The new space for @CrossFitCanuck is HUGE! There
is lots of stuff still going, floors, painting and such, but it is
amazing.  I am so excited to get to work
in the new space. There is so much room and coolness that it will be an
agonizing wait counting down the days. 


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Tags: Row

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