Getting ready to WOD…
Saturday’s can be rough, especially when
you are out late. @SavannahJessie had some visitors in from Calgary and we took
them out to Real Sports. We didn’t get to wild and crazy, but let me tell you,
Shock Top will not be anywhere on my list of things to ingest. I felt like a
big bag of hot garbage this morning and I really, really didn’t want any part
of the early showdown. Thing is, Saturday’s are the only time I get to WOD with
@SarahBassels anymore, so it’s out the door, @Starbucks in hand and on the way.
500m Row
@missade3 joined us and because
@SarahBassels was pressed for time, we worked backwards today. We did the WOD
first and then I hit up Monday’s strength program that I missed. It looked
spicy (it was) and we went right at it.
3 Rounds of
25 Abmat Sit-ups (@10lb Med Ball)
16 Inch Worms
16 Back Rack Lunges (@95lbs)
Inch Worms (*shakes fist*). The Abmat
Sit-ups felt really good using the Med Ball and I got out of the gate with a
really good pace. Unfortunately the Inch Worms really slowed things down. The 3
Musketeers kept chipping away at this one and we got it done. 20m46s for me.
After puttering for a few minutes, I got
setup in the back of the box and got my Deadlift warmed up and got down to
business. 3 reps every 2 minutes @285lbs. I tried to make use of the changes
that Andrew made to my setup during L1 and I got through pretty well. It was
heavy, but not painful. A quick change
and I setup for Shoulder Press. 3 reps every 90 seconds, going up in weight.
Here’s where I learned that I cannot do math early on a Saturday. I was
planning to do 75lbs, 85lbs and 95lbs, but because I can’t add I did 75lbs,
95lbs and 105lbs.
2,300m Run
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Quad Stretch
I wasn’t originally planning to Run, but I
was still feeling like I needed to get some work done. Plus with #hisnhers and
the Half still on deck, it had to happen. It was fresh and crisp outside, but
the sun kept it comfortable. I didn’t go too far, but stayed within the
complex. I finished up and got some stretches in.
Happy Turkey Weekend,