Categories: CrossFit

Baby Steps Forward…

2 Checkmarks…
Slowly items on the board are getting
crossed off. I had 4 goals on the big board for 2014 and I have now checked off
2 of them.  I competed in the CrossFit
Open and I have successfully completed my Level 1. The remaining items, well
those are going to be a bit more difficult. This Sunday, I’m shooting to take
the 2h25m Half Marathon off (I ran 2h37m last year). That leaves a CrossFit
Competition (@matt_5577, I hope you are still game) and 250lbs. The last one
(to me) sees to be the most difficult, but if our goals were easy, we would
never have to work.
Tabata Run (x4)
The plan for this week was to take it very
easy. I didn’t want to risk overtaxing anything with the Half coming up. We
started Wendler week 3 with Deadlifts @185lbs, 3 reps every 2 minutes for 6
minutes. They weren’t super light, but they were still challenging. Move to the
rig for 5 reps of the Shoulder Press every 90s for 3 rounds. I loaded up to the
same weights as Saturday, 75lbs, 95lbs and 105lbs. The tough part was keeping
everything tight and the L1 course, plus some cues from Coach Z really made my
Press better. Alternating Ring Dips and Strict Pull-ups every 90s for 7m30s
finished off out strength portion.
WOD (12 minute CAP)
3 Rounds for Time
6 Burpees over Bar
12 Hang Power Cleans (@135lbs)
18 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
…with remaining time
ME Burpees over Bar
I stepped down in weight for the
Kettlebell, but I was working at the RX weight on the bar. I finished the 3
rounds in 9m09s and then finished 19 Burpees with the remaining time. The WOD
didn’t look like much, but it was spicy. The whole #530Crew was rocking it
though and everyone got to the ME Burpees.
There was no Cash-out/BWOD tonight and JoJo
and I agreed on no homework too based on the water situation in the box.  @SavannahJessie and I had an appointment with
miss @Wardy_ RMT for some much needed flushing of the sticks (legs for those
who haven’t used that term before). My legs and hips were not pretty. In fact I
have another visit after the Half to see what else we can fix. I will be taking
it easy until Sunday with only a Recovery Run scheduled.
What to do after you complete your CrossFit
Level 1 Trainers Course? Well for me there is only one path, try and impart
your passion for CrossFit as a sport and as lifestyle to everyone you meet. Baby
steps forward.  For me, after a meeting
with Tavia and Sue Ann, I am starting the @CrossFitCanuck Coach’s On Ramp
Program. I have been given a unique opportunity to shadow our amazing coaching
team and try to learn how to be a Canuck Caliber Coach. Over the next weeks,
months and even years (yes this is a commitment) I will try and take what I
have learned and what I will learn, squeeze it into this planetoid I carry
around on my shoulders and apply it effectively. So Canucks don’t worry, soon
we’ll be able to help each other get better.


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