Categories: CrossFit

I Speak CrossFit

Before I get into the work, there is
something I want to address. The hate that a lot of people have for CrossFit.
@C_Snapper shared a link showing the CrossFit Games Team Deadlift, dubbed over
by someone who clearly thinks he’s hilarious. Yes, there were some questionable
form, yes that’s probably not how an Olympic Athlete would approach the
movement, but how many Olympic Athletes compete in more than 1 event. The
number is very small. CrossFit Athletes don’t specialize, you have to be able
to do everything. You don’t have to be the best in the World, but you have to
be competent and fit if you want to succeed. The Internet is brimming with
articles about how evil CrossFit is and quite frankly I have just about reached
my limit. Will my anger change anything? Nope? Will I give you something to
think about? I hope so.
Some people are getting hurt doing CrossFit
movements without the proper instructions or without knowing when to scale or
when to stop. Sure, some people end up at a box that is more interested in
money, but that number is small. People get hurt playing football, baseball,
hockey, track and every other activity you could possibly list, yet they don’t
take nearly as much heat as CrossFit does. Is CrossFit perfect? Not in the
least, but those that do it (and stay with it), do it because they love it and
it works (I am living proof). I will probably never go back to a regular gym
again. My slo-pitch days are probably over. Football has long since passed me
by. This is where I am and where I will be as far forward as I can see. I work
with a group of people, family really, who strive to be better every day. You
can’t ask for anything else.
If you think CrossFit isn’t for you, guess
again. Try it. If you still think it’s not your cup of tea, move on and find
something you love, but don’t sit there and bash it without at least walking
into a box and trying it. 
I speak CrossFit. AMRAP, EMOM, TABATA all
make perfect sense to me. I can lay exhausted at the end of a WOD, cooling off
in front of a fan and have a complete conversation with someone, even though
neither of us can catch our breath. I throw weights around and feel stress
leave me. I don’t always have perfect form, but my Coaches don’t let me get
away with that. I am always ready to go back for more, but only because I speak
Even before the day began at
@CrossFitCanuck, the alarm started blaring. Originally I had planned to go for
a run, but my body was still exhausted from Saturday’s shenanigans. I couldn’t
justify lying in bed though, so it was out for a brisk early morning walk.  It was a 4.3KM trek in 48 minutes on a truly
spectacular morning. Not a run, but still work done.
4 minute AMRAP
3 Beat Swings
6 Burpees
12 Mountain Climbers
It’s Monday and that means Back Squats.
Have I mentioned it’s Monday? On a day that seemed like it would never end,
Back Squats were not high on my list of things to do. We work to get better
though and that means shut up and get to it. Lots of reps today (10, 8, 6, 4,
4, 7) at some really heavy weights, every 2m30s. I had my final lifts at
180lbs. I’m fairly certain that I am working too light, but I’m still trying to
keep my knee from squeaking. All of this came after 12 minutes of Muscle-up
progressions. Spicy.
Macho Man (12 minute CAP)
3 Power Cleans (@145lbs)
3 Front Squats (@145lbs)
3 Push Jerks (@145lbs)
Now this one started off as an EMOM and
finished as an AMRAP. We started lifting the complex every minute on the minute
and when we failed, we would move to completing as many rounds as possible. I
managed to complete the complex for the first 3 rounds and then completed
another 4 rounds + 3 Power Cleans before time ran out. This one got heavy
really fast and it stayed that way. The #530Crew threw down pretty hard though
and everybody just kept going.
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
50 Heavy Russians (@50lbs)
As soon as I hopped on the GHD, I started
really feeling my hamstrings from the Sled, but they have to get done. With
homework in mind, I even talked JoJo into getting some of the Cash-out and her
Pull-ups done before she jetted out to a soccer game (high-five JoJo).
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
5 Pull-ups
3 Deep Rig Squats
Neck Smash (Supernova)
Lat Smash (Supernova)
Hip Smash (Supernova)
Glute Smash (Supernova)
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Back Stretch
Back Rollout
It was hot and I was done when I got to the
end of the BWOD. It has been a really long day, but a good one. I focused on
getting my water intake up, tracking calories with MyFitnessPal and completing
a good deal of homework. Tomorrow is an off day and then back at it Wednesday.


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