Post WOD Selfie. Ellen and Bradley Cooper have nothing on us…
Today the @CrossFitCanuck family joined me for my birthday
WOD (because my birthday falls during the Open, Tavia let me postpone it). Now
today’s WOD is a very special one for me and it is the second time (did this at
CrossFit Indurstri last February) that I have attempted it. Today we would be
doing the Hero WOD “Victoria”. Victoria
Soto was a 27 year old teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary when a gunman broke
into her classroom and began shooting at her grade 1 students. Victoria threw
herself in front of her students in an effort to protect them and was shot and
killed. She gave her last full measure to protect her students and made a split
second decision in that moment. I’ve always felt that when you reach that
moment when you want to quit, you have a far easier choice to make, but you
have to find a way to keep going.
A little before silliness with @SarahBassels
10 Thrusters (PVC)
25 Skips
10 Front Squats
25 Skips
25 Shoulder Press
25 Skips
25 Good Mornings
25 Skips
Now in true Canuck style, there was some spiciness that we
needed to get through before we got to the main event. Even after yesterday’s 1RM Deadlifts (which I’m
very bummed that I missed due to Blue Jays Opening Day), everybody was ready to
go. We started off looking for a 1RM Squat Clean. Ugh, my legs were still
barking from the crazy Clean complex that we went through on Thursday, but I was
partnered up with Jason so it was time to put on the big boy pants. We started
working our way up and I hit a new PR @205lbs. WOO! We aren’t done yet though,
a 5 minute ladder with @SarahBassels this time @105lbs. We got to through the
round of 4 lifts.
Victoria (20 minute CAP)
5 Rounds of
10 Thrusters (95lbs)
14 Box Jumps (24” Box)
10 Deadlifts (95lbs)
10 Burpees
27 Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
Now this was tough, especially after the heavy week we had
and at RX. I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t get finished, but we had a 30
minute CAP last year. Even with 10 minutes less I managed to get farther by 17
reps. 3 full rounds plus 8 Burpees completed. Progress. Lots of Progress since
last year. It was inspiring to watch the Canucks throw down and leave it all
out on the floor. I was in a crispy heap, but nobody stopped and nobody quit.
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 SHD Back Extensions
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
5 Pull-ups
3 Chest to Bar
Glute Stretch
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
Hip Stretches
#1130Class doing Victoria
This has been a heavy GHD week for me. Basically 50 a night
for the last 3 sessions. Ouch. I was honored though to have a BWOD as our
Cash-out tonight. I got through it, but it was tough to keep going. My body is
tired from a pretty heavy week. On the plus side, Healthy April has been off to
a good start and I’m down 4lbs in a little more than 5 days. I’m feeling pretty
solid and it was brown bags all week. As long as I can stay away from ‘bad’
food during the week and not over indulge on the weekend, I should be back on
Jillian’s schedule.