Categories: CrossFitLife

Somebody Got Hitched

Now before you start acting crazy, I did not get married
this weekend. Now with apologies to the Bride and Groom for photo bombing the
pic with the Groom’s Parents (don’t worry, I’m fairly certain they get another
one without me in it), @SavannahJessie and I made the trip to Milton for Laura
and Phil’s wedding. At a seriously cool venue (Gambrel Barn in Heritage Park)
we ate (see below), we drank (there will be none of those photos), we played
beer pong and celebrated two good people strengthening the bond between them.
Now because there was running around, cleaning and laundry
to do before departing I had to pull the chute on @CrossFitCanuck on Saturday
morning. I also missed out on the @CrossFitCanuck Cares tree planting event in
the community (but the rest of the Canuck Family represented).
400m Run
3 Rounds of
10 Kettlebell Swings (@35lbs)
10 Goblet Squats (@35lbs)
10 Beat Swings
Now @Keilshammer brought it to my attention (with some
justified ridicule) that I erred in my math about Karen on Thursday. That angry
lady is 150 Wallballs, not 100 as I stated. Thanks for noticing Hammer. I was
still feeling those Wallballs. We are de-loading this week in our Texas cycle
which means that we aren’t lifting heavy, but we are Squatting. A 6 minute
cycle, lifting every 90 seconds of 3 Back Squats @165lbs. Working with
@CADPRO00 we worked our way through and then jumped into the bonus skill
session. 3 rounds of 3 minutes, working every 30 seconds of ME Pull-ups
(strict), ME Ring Dips (Green) and ME Toes to Bar (strict). It was tough and my
arms were screaming by the time we were done.
Nasty Girls V2 (15 minute CAP)
3 Rounds of
50 Kettlebell OHS (@35lbs, alternating)
7 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Hang Power Clean (@165lbs)
I’m sorry, Burpee Pull-ups? Now you are just being mean
Jillian. Actually that’s just a drop of me complaining, please disregard. Like
you said tonight, if we are going to get better, then we have to do the things
that are hard. Over and over again. @DefconRX said it would suck, it did and in
the end it will make us better. I got CAPPED with 1 round plus 2 Hang Power
Cleans complete.  The OHS were the
serious limiter here. Something else to work on.
6x100m Sprints
Sprint down, walk back. As I’ve been working to get better,
some components are not running in tip-top shape. On the first sprint I felt my
left hip tighten and it stayed that way. It was weird, but it did affect my
stride a bit. I had to run slower, but the work got done. It was great to see
the whole #530Crew out there doing the Cash-out, including the birthday girl Urszula.
Hip/Glute Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
Back Stretch
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
5 Candlesticks
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
Quad Stretch
Hip/Glute Smash
Are you detecting a trend? Mobility, mobility and more
mobility as the countdown is on for France and the Ride for Heart. Oh right,
there’s that little 10K run 2 WEEKS? Seriously, this is becoming dire. I think
I might have to hibernate for the summer. Oh, right, CrossFit Level 1, Half Marathon
Training and possibly a comp. Geez, I’m going to need a vacation (or maybe more
work). Before I leave I will include a photo of the desserts from Saturday
night. Yes, desserts (yup, you are jealous).

…and proof that there was beer pong.

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