Categories: CrossFit

We R Unstoppable

@missade3 be like Muscle-ups, piece of cake…
It’s easy to be inspired to work when you have unbelievable
people around you who push themselves to be better everyday. Let’s take the
Muscle-up Club as an example. A Muscle-up involves the rings and moving from
the hang position to locked out on the rings. Tavia put the challenge out to
the Ladies to get on the rings and add their names to a club that was starting
to be all about the boys.  Well tonight
after A LOT of hard work, @missade3 hit not 1, but 2 DURING the WOD!
Congratulations!! It’s a good thing you hit the 2nd one because I
was turned around on the 1st. I’m glad to have been there to see you
do it.
Vid courtesy of Riley
1000m Row
I didn’t do the standard warm-up as I was still a bit crispy
from Saturday. In fact, if you had asked me to pass you something from the top
shelf or to give you a high-five, I may have cussed at you. My shoulders were
really feeling the stress of Chest to Bar, but they were slowly bouncing
back.  The same could be said for my knee,
which is still protesting heavy Squats. Every 90 seconds for 6 minutes I did
reps of 3, 3, 2, 1, 1 Squats on the plates (the last one with no plates and
almost full depth) with a @zlreyes complex in between. Then I got to team up
with Darryl B for some Jerk Balances (and they felt awkward) @135lbs.
Force (15 minute CAP)
24 Burpees
3 Rounds of
12 Dealifts (@155lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans (@155lbs)
6 Shoulder to Overhead (@155lbs)
14 Ring Rows
14 Ring Dips (Purple Band)
Oh Baaaabbbyyyy (Bob Cole quote), this one got heavy
incredibly fast.  The Deadlifts were
easy, but for the first time in a while I really struggled with Power Cleans.
Crazy heavy. I finished this craziness in 13m10s. It was a fight and the whole
#530Crew fought until the very last second. This one will not be going down as
one of my favorites, but these are the ones that make you better.
5x250m Row
However long the 250m takes is the rest time you get between
Rows. My arms felt like to pieces of lead and I could have gone a touch harder,
but I didn’t have the drive tonight.  My
body was too sore.
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Forearm Stretch
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
I attempted to do a Pull-up, just to try and work from the
hang. That lasted precisely 0.5 seconds. As soon as I put full weight into the
hang, pain, from the tips of my fingers all the way to my lats. Conclusion: We
are done for this evening. A run and Zumba for Heart tomorrow and then back to
the box for Wednesday and Thursday.


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