Categories: CrossFit

The Road Goes On

How can you not be motivated with all this action!
Before I get started today, Thank You. Thanks to Everyone
who read my last post, those who left comments and hopefully those who were
able to take something away from this little journey I’m on. My motivation
always ratchets up a few notches when I get feedback (positive or otherwise) to
something I’ve posted. I know that my blog has taken many shapes over the years
and some folks have trouble making sense of all the terms, but if you keep
reading, you will see an honest look at the work that is being put in.
500m Row
I was a bit late getting to @CrossFitCanuck tonight and as a
result I didn’t get a full warm-up done.
As a result I started off a bit slower so that I got the muscles moving
in unison. We started off today with 10 minutes to find a 5RM Power Clean and
Push Jerk. After my extra homework on Monday, I was aching during the Power
Cleans (might be the first time I’ve ever said that). I managed to work up to
150lbs and with tender hands and shoulders I stopped there. We then did a replay
of 11.3 (WOD #3 from the CrossFit Open 2011). 1 Squat Clean and 1 Push Jerk
@165lbs with each component counting as a rep. It was heavy. I scored a nice
round 20.
WOD (15 minute CAP)
10 Deadlifts (@165lbs)
20 Wallballs (@20lbs Unbroken)
5 Rope Climbs
10 Deadlifts
20 Wallballs (@20lbs Unbroken)
6 Ring Rows
10 Deadlifts
20 Wallballs (@20lbs Unbroken)
2 Ring Rows
Now the WOD was supposed to be Rope Climbs all the way
through, but after the first round I had some shoulder discomfort so I switched
to Ring Rows. Please note the ‘Unbroken’ for the Wallballs. If the ball is
dropped or rested, you incurred a 5 Burpee Pull-up penalty that had to be
completed before resuming. Ugh, who knew Burpees could get worse. I finished
this ugliness in 9m11s (what, someone better call the Po-lice) and I was
feeling moderately ‘good’ afterwards. The best part though was watching the
Darryls muscle their way through the WOD and finish under the CAP. Well done
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
5 Pull-ups
5 Candlesticks
Groin Stretch
Tonight is going to be a long one because I need to prep
some meals for the back half of the week. I don’t want to get caught eating any
more bad food so I need to get the work done. Custom Wrangler Chicken Bowls for
me! A light go at the WOD tomorrow and then a throwdown between @girmantitov
and @akaribatman doing 14.2. Going to be a big night.


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