Categories: CrossFit

Pull and Party

14.4 has come and gone and so has my birthday for another
year.  Thank You to those who took the
time to send birthday wishes and a Huge Thank You to those that joined me at
the Bedford Academy for some R’n’R. Actually R’n’R might be misleading, as it
was a good ol’ fashioned P-A-R-T-Y! Munchies, 50 on tap, Back Squats (don’t
ask), a Leaf Game and a room full of good people getting together to have some
fun. Thanks for helping me celebrate.
Now, on to business…
1000m Row
PVC Shoulder Dislocates
Power Cleans (@95lbs)
14.4 was announced Thursday and while I knew I wasn’t going
to complete it (Muscle-ups were the final movement and I’m not quite there
yet). I was a little discouraged that while I could do 3 of the first 4
movements, Toes to Bar would be blocking my path to Wallballs and Power Cleans.
I had a career total of 0 Toes to Bar. There was a bonus though, first up, the
14.4 (14 minute CAP)
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wallball (@20lbs)
30 Cleans (@135lbs)
20 Muscle-ups
Now my game plan was to power through the Row as quickly as
possible to give myself the maximum amount of time to attempt the Tows to Bar.
I do have to say that I was fairly successful in that regard. If only there had
been a split coming off the Concept 2 (Rowing Machine). 1m40s is what it took
to hit 60 calories and I was very happy with that time (the Pros on Thursday
were in the mid 2 minutes). I got to the rig with @girmantitov as my judge and
using some advice from Sue Ann, threw myself to work.
Using momentum and let’s of chalk I kept moving and grinding
and managed to hit 26 Toes to Bar before I got to the CAP. 26! There is one
thing I can say with whole hearted conviction and certainty, CrossFit makes you
better. You can laugh if you want to, but I could not do a Chest to Bar Pull-up
(unassisted) or a Toes to Bar (at all) before 3 weeks ago.  When the challenge was thrown down, my
Coaches guided me and my Canuck Family screamed their faces off to encourage me
to keep going.
I can’t wait to see what is in store for 14.5 and for the
following year, because I guarantee you I will be better the next time the Open
comes around. I guess the only thing I have to worry about now is that Knees to
Elbows aren’t going to cut it anymore in our daily WODs.


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