So here we are on the last day of my 37th year
and what should I do? Well clearly the answer to that is to go to
@CrossFitCanuck and get a WOD in. I know, most people would light it up and
celebrate, but like I tell anyone who asks, get a routine and stick to it. Now the original plan was to take it easy to
prepare for 14.4 (and to recover from the craziness that was last nights’ WOD),
but sometimes the WOD makes you do crazy things. Thanks to @DefconRX (otherwise
known as Coach D) for the push to finish the ugliness of Burpee Box Jumps.
500m Row
10 Push-ups
10 PVC Good Mornings
Most of my upper body was achy from the gamut so tonight I
spent some extra time with the PVC loosening up my shoulders. It didn’t really
work, but you can’t say that I didn’t try. We started off tonight’s strength
component with a little complex every 90 seconds for 6 minutes. Now OHS were
the final component and with the feeling I had about some type of
Pull-up/Muscle-up/Toes to Bar (plus the shoulder issues) had modifications
happening. 1 Good Morning, 2 Behind the Neck Push Press (Snatch Grip) and 3
Front Squats @85lbs).
20 – 18 – 16 – 14 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps of
Kettlebell Swings (@50lbs)
2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 – 12 – 14 – 16 – 18 – 20 reps of Burpee
Box Jumps
We had a 25 minute CAP originally, but I got close enough to
the end that I had to finish. The swings were pretty straight forward and I
didn’t have any issues with them, but the Burpees were another thing. I need to
work on my efficiency and the flexibility of my right hip, but that’s for
another day. The goal tonight was to
settle into a sustainable pace and just keep plugging away. In the end it was
110 reps of each and I finished in a time of 26m40s. We’ll see if this has a
negative effect on Saturday.
Shoulder Mobility (Band)
Ankle Mobility (Knee to Wall)
Ankle Mobility (Band)
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretches
This is the 2nd last week of the Open and tonight
we got treated to another throw down. This one was tough. A 14 minute Chipper between Kris and Jeff.
Ladies and Gents, 14.4 is going to be a genuine bear on Saturday (I will fill
you in Saturday). Let’s see if I can find the will to run on my birthday.