It’s funny how a simple question from Jillian can evoke such
work ethic, utter panic and in some cases (mine), a bit of shame. “Are we on
track for January?” Doesn’t seem dangerous or scary, but that little sentence
caused a whole bunch of reaction. I have been eating poorly since American
Thanksgiving (and I don’t regret most of it). While I haven’t totally fallen
back into McDonald’s 3 times a week, it hasn’t always been pretty. As a result
my weight loss has stopped. Well, it will be starting again NOW. With the 49ers
on TV and Mike and Barb visiting, I was a cooking machine. Lunches and dinners
for the week. Check. Jillian, we are getting back on track (just in time for
the Open).
500m Row
3×5 Squats + 1×10 second hold in the hole
3×5 Push-ups + 1×10 second Plank
3×5 Beat Swings
The #530Crew was packed to the rafters like it hasn’t been
in a long time and there were some familiar faces playing tonight. We were
going to be doing a 12 minute strength portion followed by 2 super crispy mini
WODs. I paired up with @Keilshammer for the 12 minute session (alternating
every 2 minutes) of Back Squats (1×8 @205lbs, 1×5 @205lbs and 2×3 @215lbs) and
ME Pull-ups (Strict to start then Kipping). Big news was I did the Pull-ups
with no band and managed rounds of 6, 7, 4 and 8 reps. YAY! The Back Squats
were not so nice. I had trouble getting into the hole and I dipped a few times
as I looked down. Ugh.
“For Matt”
9 – 7 – 5
Power Cleans (@135lbs)
Ring Rows (Double Reps per Round)
Ring Dips (Double Reps per Round, Green Band)
3 minute Rest
WOD 2 (10 minute CAP)
4 Rounds of
10 Shoulder to Overhead (@100lbs)
20 Knees to Elbows
150 Single Skips
Coach Z’s Assistant
The first part was a burner as expected. I managed to get
through it in 5m26s and earn a little extra rest. We changed weights and got
WOD 2 started. Originally it called for 50 DUs instead of Singles, but I
couldn’t string them together for the life of me. I Finished 2 Rounds + 5 skips. We were all trying to get through the 4
rounds and get to Burpees, but no one was successful.
10x100m Rowling
We had quite the little game for Cash-out and @SarahBassels,
Carling and @CADPRO00 and I got it done. Row and try to have your distance stop
at 100m. Every meter over/under counts as a Burpee. Hit 100m and you can cancel
a round of Burpees. @SarahBassels was on a hot streak and ended up winning by 5
Glute Stretch
Hip Stretch
Calf Smash (with Lacrosse Ball)
Forearm Stretch(s)
Back Stretches
There wasn’t a whole lot left after all of that and with a
full class behind us, GHD homework will have to wait for a later day. The body
feels ok after actually doing overhead work, but I didn’t want to tax it too
hard. Next week I’m headed to Core Strength to try Muscle Activation Therapy to
see if it can fix my issues… All of them.
Take Aways From Today
My Sweat Angel Shows That I Have Abs
My Latin Hips HATE Life Right Now