Categories: CrossFit

Another First

Things are coming fast and furious in 2014. Today
registration opened for the 2014 CrossFit Games Open. That’s right, the
registration opened and as a part of my 2014 Goals I’ve registered to
officially take part in the madness. Last year, to be a part of the community I
completed the workouts (usually on the day before) and took pictures of my
family as they slugged through the WODs. This year it looks like @missade3 will
get to follow through and catch me ugly mug (probably making a stupid face)
totally gassed after each of the 5 workouts.
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Squats
10 Push-ups
1 Tuck Jump
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Jumping Jacks
I had trouble with the Tuck Jumps (back) so I stopped at 1.
Today was going to be a burner, but before we got to that there was some heavy
lifting that had to happen. With a full class, rack space was at a premium and
@SarahBassels and I got to partner up for a really ugly strength portion. With
a 20 minute running clock we had to complete 3×10 Front Squats (@165lbs), 3×5
Jerks (@115lbs) and 3×5 OHS (@35lbs). Here’s the catch, if you drop the bar,
the set doesn’t count. Unbroken was the word of the day. Please pay attention
to the Jerk number because that’s the heaviest that has gone overhead in over a
month (WOOHOO!). The OHS were also ugly because we were working with a jerk
Open WOD 11.2
15 minute AMRAP
9 Deadlifts (@155lbs)
12 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps (24” Box)
This WOD was eerily similar to one from last year and that
was one of the hardest WODs I have ever done (also one of the ones I’m most
proud of). All out for 15 minutes with a goal of trying to match @DefconRX’s
total from 2011 of 5 Rounds (and some change). Working in the back with
@SarahBassels (and with Snake cheering us on) we set out. My plan was not to
burn out, but to find a rhythm and stick with it. Unbroken on all the Deadlift
sets was ‘fairly’ easy and I broke up the Push-ups into 3’s (with 3 quick
breaths in between). Finally I went 5 step-ups, 5 jumps and 5 step-ups to break
up the jumps and conserve some energy. 6 Rounds plus 5 Box Jumps. Yes, I will
take that.
Hip Stretch
Glute Stretch
Forearm Stretch
Shoulder Mobility
Shoulder Stretch
Ankle Mobility (Plate)
7 Pull-ups (need to work on the hang)
We were all gassed after that madness, but I have no doubt
that we will be ready to go when the Open WODs are released. I know you’ve
noticed that I haven’t done my GHD homework this week (yet), but don’t worry it
will get done.  There’s been a whole lot
of mobility and less lifting in the BWODs, mostly because my body is tired. I’m
just trying to get back to the point where I can push again. Also diet wise, I’m
back on track and down 4lbs since Saturday. Water intake is good so I know it’s
not water weight.


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