Categories: CrossFit

Back to Work…

Completely random picture not associated with today’s WOD,
yup. I’m still pretty stoked about Sunday’s Half Marathon. After taking Monday
and Tuesday off to try and recover Wednesday was my first day back at the box.
By Tuesday afternoon I was no longer feeling any discomfort in my legs and I felt
that as long as I took it easy then I could slowly work my way back into a
normal routine. With the Half done I need to figure out what my next challenge
is going to be. I’ve already verbally committed to the SportingLife 10KM in the
spring and Jess and I will be taking on the Scotiabank Half again next year. I
am 100% confident that I can beat this years’ time and if I can prepare
properly the result could be as epic as the difference between my first and
second Duathlons (please note, I am NOT promising to beat my time by 17
400m Run
Leg Rollout
OH BABY IT’S COLD OUTSIDE! Yes, I am aware that all CAPS
denotes me screaming, but it was frigid. I’m pretty sure @sarahbassels and I may
have set a record for time, especially when the arctic wind pelted us at the
final corner. I didn’t have discomfort, but I could still feel the effects of
the run. Instead of going into the Burpee hell that was scheduled for the
warm-up, I rolled out and tried to get the legs ready for the WOD. Maybe I was
being overly optimistic. Well giddy-up.
We started with trying to find a 1RM Hang Squat Clean. Tavia was really
focused on us because the #530Crew was small and she had me work on digging in before
I pull. I’m still not balanced, but I think another 20lbs should take care of
that (I hope). I hit 125lbs which I don’t believe is as high as I could go, but
form was key here. I dropped the weight down to 115lbs and we lifted every 90
seconds for 6 minutes of 3 Hang Power Cleans. We put the weight back up and had
a 3 minute EMOM of Clean High Pulls.
3 Rounds (Max Reps)
1 minute Power Snatch (@95lbs)
1 minute Wallball (@20lbs)
1 minute Box Jumps (20” Box)
1 minute Burpees
1 minute Rest
Everything felt great… Except the friggin Wallballs, my hips
and legs did not enjoy them at all. Enough negative, let’s turn the frown upside
down and talk about the Box Jumps. 30 seconds of step-ups and 30 seconds of
jumping. The box is still not 24”, but I’m slowly working my way there.
Progress, that’s all you can hope for. I finished 156 Reps in total. When the WOD was done though, there was
a wasteland of bodies lying on the ground. A minute doesn’t sound like a long
time, but I assure you, tonight it was. There was no Cash-out tonight other
than mobility.
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions
Hip Stretches
Forearm Stretches
Back Rollout
We’ll see how I bounce back after tonight, but right now I’m
scheduled for tomorrow @CrossFitCanuck. I’m also ‘tentatively’ scheduled for a
run this weekend, but we’ll see if that pans out. I have purchased a new pair
of runners, but I’m not sure if they are the right ones for me (I need to do
some more research).
Goodnight Folks,

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