Categories: CrossFit

Surprises (Part 1) and Up-ing My Game

Where is the recovery portion of my life? It was there just
the other day, but now I wake up and I’m sore (the good and the bad kind) and I
just don’t have the ‘get up and go’. I’m really missing my morning protein and I’m
seriously thinking about taking the 1 point penalty and reintroducing Whey a
couple times a week. I just don’t feel spectacular. In fact, when I opened my
eyes I knew there was no run in my future. My hamstrings and quads were on
FIRE. My only redemption would be the 4000m run that I planned to do after
tonight’s WOD. Then I saw tonight’s WOD. FRAN and 24 minutes of Snatch and
Clean & Jerk. Tonight kids, is going to be spicy (and after Monday’s Wallball
Hell, I’m not sure I can even think about a Thruster right now).

Warm-up ‘A’
400m Run
2 Rounds of
10 Wallball (@14lbs)
10 Push-ups
10 Squats
10 Lunges

Maybe Fran wouldn’t be so bad this time. My last time was
sub 6 minutes, but I was using a Green Band and not getting full depth in the
Squat. Today would be tough, but I would do what Jillian told me, move to
Purple and get my Ass to Grass (ish). We started off with 1 RM Snatch and after
seeing all the PRs the 430 class hit, we had our work cut out for us. 12
minutes and I worked myself up to 140lbs (PR), but even though my pull was
good, my feet got too wide (again). We then moved to Clean & Jerk for 12
minutes to mind a 1RM. I completed a succesfull lift @185lbs (10lb PR), but I had
several attempts at 205lbs. I Power Cleaned it no problem (another PR, by
35lbs), but I could not get under the bar for a Split… Boo…

21 – 15 – 9 Reps of
Thrusters (95lbs)
Pull-ups (Purple Band)

Well that was a spicy meatball. I wasn’t as fast as I wanted
to be (and yes I was disappointed), but I finished Fran in 9m58s. The Purple
Band made the Pull-ups a struggle and I may have gone a bit too hard in the 1RM
work on a shoulder that hasn’t put anything heavier than 135lbs overhead. The
best part of the WOD was @CADPRO00 doing Fran at RX! The whole #530Crew worked
their butts off and finished with style.

30 Alternating Leg V-ups (15 each side)
20 Side Plank Reach Throughs (10 each side)
10 Superman Holds

Now the last few days of the WLC have not been good on the
nutrition scale. It wasn’t like I planned on losing points, but life still
happens and sometimes you have to enjoy it.
With that in mind I knew that I had to get back on track. Getting on
track was a big step though. I finally pulled the trigger on a blender that was
capable of turning everything (including an iPhone) into a smoothie. I also had
to make sure to get the Bonus Activity in this week because I ran out of time for
the last one.

4000m Run (25m09s)
Hip Stretches
Forearm Stretches
So while you bask in the Stealth Awesomeness of my new
Blendtec, there is another surprise that rolled into the box tonight.  The only problem is that I can’t tell you
what it is until tomorrow. So tune back in to find out what it is.

Word of the Day: Gassed


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