Before we get going today I have an apology to make to the
#530Crew. I was a bubbly mess of
over-excitement tonight. Today, was a GREAT day for a multitude of reasons,
first being a very FUN looking WOD and second for a little something that arrived
@Keilhauer today. Now I’ve been doing the Ride for Heart for the last 4 years
and as I have learned more and more about heart disease and stroke I began to
see the need for us to have an AED at work.
I’ve been asking for the last couple of years, but up until today we
weren’t able to get one. Lo and behold today these two little yellow beauties
arrived! I was literally bouncing of the ceiling with excitement. I know it
sounds weird to be that excited, but you keep reading stories of people who are
alive today because an AED was available in their moment of distress and I feel
better knowing there will be one available if something should happen.
Warm-up ‘A’
Shuttle Run
Lunges (1 Length)
Shuttle Run
Tin Mans (1 Length)
Shuttle Run
Broad Jumps (1 Length)
Warm-up ‘B+’
3 Jump Shrugs
3 High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Drop Snatch
3 Sots Press
5 Duck Walk (Forward)
5 Duck Walk (Backward)
3 Bounces
3 Arc Angels
Oh, baby this one is going to be Suh-weeeeeeet! First up
(and before the fun truly started), we did a 5 minute EMOM (Every Minute on the
Minute) of Hang Squat Cleans. I was working @125lbs and I felt like I had
really good depth on the Squats, but my feet were a little wide (and I could
hear Jillian yelling the entire 5 minutes). We then had 20 minutes to find a 1
RM Back Squat. Welcome to PR City folks because the #530Crew nailed 6 of them!
Thanks to @girmantitov and @defconRX I managed to increase my Back Squat from
310lbs to wait. for. it. 335lbs! That’s right kiddies, a 25lb PR. I am know
Back Squating what I weighed when I started @CrossFitCanuck 6 months ago
(weighing a svelte 285lb).
8 minute AMRAP
200m Sprint
20 Pistols
10 Thrusters (@115lbs)
2 minute AMRAP
ME Burpees Over Bar
IT WAS FUN! The WOD wasn’t too long, the weight wasn’t crazy
heavy and we could go all out. I could have done without the Burpees, but
sometimes you have to do something unpleasant to get to the fun stuff. I
finished 1 full round and got 2 Thrusters in round 2. Top that off with 16
Burpees in the 2 minute AMRAP and you have a hot sweaty mass of humanity
sizzling on the floor.
3 Rounds of
10 Tire Flips (YAY!)
10 Sledgehammers
100m Sprint
This is where Captain Excitement showed up because I was
loving the Tire Flips. The Cash-out was excellent all around and when we were
done the #530Crew chilled out in the sunshine and shot the breeze. It was good times all around.
2x Deep Assisted Squats (Thanks @SarahBassels)
Weighted Hip Stretches from Mobility WOD (Thanks @jonokim11)
Hip Stretches
The B-WOD wasn’t super long today, but those Deep Squats
were intense (and long) today. Jillian wants me back on the bike 3x per week (I’ve
been slacking since the Ride) so tomorrow’s goal will be a nice morning spin.
Only 19 days left to hit June’s weight loss goal and be ready for Gravenhurst.