Categories: CrossFit

Just Finish

My kingdom for a solid night’s sleep. The sleeping
experiment of moving to my back has been an utter disaster and I haven’t had an
unbroken night of sleep this week. Queue the little ray of sunshine!
@CrossFitCanuck just got a shipment of Progenex Cocoon in and yours truly has
acquired some. What is it? It’s a supplement that is supposed to help you rest
and recover at night. Based on the success I’ve had with their Recovery
Product, I am super stoked to try it tonight.
Hopefully I can sleep until Bacon o’clock (breakfast time) and feel
rejuvenated. In other news the long weekend is almost here! Normally that means
excessive drinking, little sleep and a lot of fun, but this year only the fun
part is happening.  I will be around
Toronto getting in some workouts, some cooking and a birthday party (actually
2), taking it nice and easy.
Warm-up ‘A’
400m Run
1 Length High Knees
1 Length Butt Kicks
1 Length Lunges
1 Length Broad Jumps
1 Length Duck Hops

Warm-up ‘B’
See Previous
I was a little bit discombobulated getting warmed up and almost
forgot to do Pass Throughs, High Kicks and Cross-overs. It was a little embarrassing.
Once @DefconRX got us warmed up we started loading up. STOP THE PRESS! There
was a whole new pile of weights! They were so shiny. It was very exciting! We
started off with a 4 minute session lifting every 30 seconds of 1 Snatch + 3
OHS with me working at 75lbs. No big deal but that was a PR on the OHS for me.
@DefconRX even shot some video that showed I was centimeters away from
parallel. It was really motivating. After the 4 minutes we went into a 2 minute
AMRAP of the same movements and I managed 4 full rounds. We moved on to a 4
minute EMOM of 2 Squat Cleans + 3 Front Squats (@95lbs). A 2 minute AMRAP
followed that and I finished 3 rounds plus 1 Squat Clean.  The weight was relatively light because I was
still protecting my shoulder.

Tired yet? I was…

3 Rounds for Time (15 minute CAP, but I wanted to finish)
400m Run
7 OHS (@75lbs)
14 Ring Dips (Green)
21 Wallball (@14lbs)
I managed to finish in 16m25s, but the WOD wasn’t without its
challenges. I started the Ring Dips with the Purple Band, but my shoulder was
really feeling the stress so I went to the heavier Green one.  There was a similar story with the Wallball, I
hoisted the 20lb ball, but my arm nearly gave out.  I will be a happy camper when this shoulder
BS is done.  I will be hitting up massage
and physio on the other side of Canada Day to try and get back to 100%.

25 Atomic Sit-ups
50 Hollow Rocks
25 Atomic Sit-ups
30 Floor Wipers (awkward)
25 Atomic Sit-ups
15 Candlesticks
I was really wishing I had skipped the ab work from last
nights’ B-WOD, but those are the breaks.
It felt like it took a long time to complete the Cash-out, but by this
time I was a soupy mess and there wasn’t much in the tank.  The key takeaway was that I finished (please
not the theme).

3×20 GHD Back Extensions (with 15lb Kettlebell)
5 Deep Squats (Rig)
4×5 Box Squats (@95lbs)
Shoulder Stretches
Ankle Stretch (on 25lb plate)
Hip Stretches (2 variations)
Back Rollout
Another long night, but before I close I have a big ‘Job
Well Done’ to Matt. He almost finished the WOD under the CAP working at RX, but
came up just short (missed the last set of Wallballs). He walked past and
seemed kind of down muttering about he wished he could have finished. I turned
and told him to finish it then. To his credit he turned around, grabbed the
Wallball and knocked them out of the park. AWESOME!

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